How To Silence Your Inner Critic w/ Suzanne Mun
What does your inner voice make you believe about yourself?
Suzanne Mun is the founder of Future Female Entrepreneurs. She is also a motivational speaker from Fairfax, VA who loves to speak about mindset and body positivity. Her mission is to inspire and help other women love their natural bodies and show up authentically with confidence.
Suzanne helps her clients identify their motivations for success. These can also be negative emotions, such as revenge, guilt or anger. Are you motivated by pleasure and a positive outlook of how your life could be? Do your past experiences negatively impact your current decision-making process? Suzanne's motto for her clients is to constantly remind them that they are enough just as they are... that they are meant for MORE.
On this episode, she also shares her ultimate goal, which is to help people feel inspired, empowered, and wiser. Suzanne plans on creating a community filled with kind people who encourage each other to follow their dreams.
Listen as Suzanne shares:
- how to silence your inner critic
- how students can develop resilience and emotional intelligence
- how women can reach peak performance
- how to create your own personal goals
- how to improve your critical thinking skills
- how to increase your level of self confidence
- identifying what motivates you to succeed
- what your inner voice says about your belief
- how embracing your true power transforms your world
- how to not let your middle school self control your life
...and so much more!
Connect with Suzanne:
Elle Hunt on The Guardian how to silence your inner critic:
"Paul Gilbert, a clinical psychologist and the founder of the Compassionate Mind Foundation, says compassion is best understood as turning towards suffering, whether it is in yourself or others, and taking action to alleviate it."
Additional Resources:
"How To Find Happiness Within Yourself" w/ Collette Gee
"How To Build Unshakeable Confidence" w/ Michele Molitor
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