Are Leaders Born Or Made?

Steve Jobs said:"The greatest people are self-managing. Once they know the goal in mind, they will figure out what to do to get there. What they need is a vision, and that's what leadership is. Having a vision that you articulate that so the people around you can go on that journey with you.Getting a consensus on a common vision. We wanted people that were insanely great at what they did, but were not necessarily those seasoned professionals. They had on at the tips of their fingers and in their passion, the latest understanding of where technology was and what we could do with that technology, and who wanted to bring that to lots of people.So the neatest thing that happens is when you get a core of 10 great people, that it becomes self-policing as to who they let into that group. So I consider the most important job of someone like myself, is recruiting."This is Steve Jobs speaking back in the 80s, when the Macintosh was launched. People at the Apple Company bought into his vision.He mentions that a leader should have these three qualities:1)  a leader is not only self-motivating, but he surrounds himself with people who are self-motivated. Once you know what to do, you will go and figure out a way to do it. 2) a leader has a vision and he surrounds himself with people who share that common vision. The leader will articulate that vision so that there is consensus on the common vision.3) a leader must be self-policing. Self-policing is not being constantly told that you need to cross the Ts and dot your Is. You always edit yourself, be it in behavior, the product quality or how you handle yourself amongst your colleagues. Simon Sinek said:'there are three things that a visionary leader should have. Vision is just cause. The cause is so just that you will sacrifice for it.There are three qualities of a just cause:1) Resilient - it can withstand macroeconomic changes like politics, the economy2) Inclusive- you extend the invitation to those around you3) Service oriented - others will be benefactors of that vision.'Take some time to do a self-assessment on what kind of leadership qualities you already possess and which ones still need improvement.Indeed details the 14 Traits of Visionary Leadership.Founder of Self Leadership International, Andrew Bryant, is a Global expert, speaker, and coach on Self-leadership. He said:'The practice of self-leadership is to be constantly developing the 'inner game' (mindset) and the ‘outer game’ (action).The inner game consists of Intention, Self-awareness, Self-confidence, and Self-efficacy (self-belief) to achieve Personal Mastery, whilst the outer game consists of influence and impact. 'Additional Resources:"Teaching Children Leadership Skills" w/ Atlas Aultman"How Successful Leaders Communicate Effectively" w/ Joel SilverstoneLeave a rating and a review on iTunes & Spotify:iTunesSpotifyReach out on:LinkedInFacebookInstagramEmail:

"people are self-managing. They don't need to be managed. If they know what, if once they know what to do, they'll go figure out how to do it. They don't need to be managed at all. What they need is a common vision and that's what leadership is. What leadership is, is having a vision, being able to articulate that so the people around you can understand it, and getting a consensus on a common vision. We wanted people that were insanely great at what they did, but we're not necessarily those seasoned professionals.
at the tips of their fingers and in their passion, the latest understanding of where technology was and what we could do with that technology. And who wanted to bring that to lots of people. So the neatest thing that happens is when you get a core group of 10 great people, it becomes self-policing as to who they let into that group. So I consider the most important job of someone like myself is recruiting."
Hello and welcome to the Speaking and Communicating podcast. My name is Roberta, and I'd like to welcome you back on this week's episode. You've just heard Steve Jobs talk about how leaders have a vision and how they can communicate that vision to their followers. And obviously in this case, the Macintosh, when it was launched in the 80s, how people...
at the Apple company were able to buy into his vision. Now he mentions, let's just summarize a bit. He mentions that a leader should have these three qualities. The first one is a leader is not only self motivating, but he surrounds himself with people who are self motivating. As he said, once you know what to do, you will go out and figure out a way to do it.
You don't need a constant nudge every now and again to be reminded that it's time to do your job, to fulfill a task or to meet a deadline. Secondly, a leader has a vision and he surrounds himself with people who share that common vision. The leader will articulate, meaning communicate that vision to his followers.
so that the people around him can understand it. And then they buy into the vision as he takes them on a journey towards that goal. So there needs to be consensus on the common vision, as he said. And then the third quality he mentioned was self-policing. Self-policing is not being constantly told.
that you've done something wrong and it needs to be fixed, or that you need to check dot the I's cross your T's, you are the one who always edits yourself. Be it in behavior, be it in the product, the quality of product that you produce, be it in the way that you are a team player and you handle yourself among your colleagues. Now, if anybody knows David Borgens,
He said, life is one big head game. And when I think about leadership and him saying that, if you're a leader and whatever vision is in your head, you can articulate and communicate it to those around you. They will be able to absorb it into their heads and be on this journey with you towards achieving.
what you have set out to achieve. Simon Sinek said, there are three things that a vision or a visionary leader should have. He says vision to him is just cause, meaning the cause is so just that you will sacrifice for it. And there are three qualities of a just cause. The first one is resilient.
The next one is inclusive. And the third one is service oriented. Resilient means this vision can withstand macro economic changes like politics, the economy, et cetera. It's inclusive in the sense that you extend the invitation to those around you to join you in believing in that vision which means you communicate that vision.
and they buy into it and they journey along with you. The third one, as we mentioned earlier, is that it should be service oriented, which means you do others, they will feel the benefits, they will be the benefactors of that vision. It doesn't just benefit the person that leads, but the followers are the ones who even feel more of the benefit of buying into this vision.
and going through with it. Therefore, today I would like you to ask yourself, do you have the qualities that it takes in order to be a leader? Are you self motivating or do you need a constant nudge every now and then to be reminded of the responsibilities that you have to fulfill? Are you able to articulate to those around you the vision that you have so that they can buy into it?
and join you in carrying that vision through. And are you self-policing or are you the type of person who needs to be reminded to dot their I's and cross their T's? And the vision that you have, is it resilient? Can it withstand any macroeconomic changes? Is it inclusive? Meaning...
when you extend the invitation to others to join you in that vision, do they believe in it and will they buy into it and join you? And is it service oriented? Is it about fulfilling your desires or boosting your ego or is it for the benefit of those who follow you and those who are around you? So in conclusion, ask yourself these questions and
do a self-assessment and be honest with what kind of leadership qualities you already possess and which ones still need to be worked on. Which ones are you still a work in progress in? Are you self-motivating? Are you self-policing? And are you able to articulate your vision? Is your vision a just cause that people will sacrifice for it?
because it is that important. And can your vision withstand macroeconomic changes? Is it something your followers will buy into? And is it service oriented and benefits those around you? I hope these qualities of leaders from one of the world's greatest leader that ever lived were able to
make us able to help you make a self-assessment and see where you fit on the leadership scale and some of the things that you still need to work on. Thank you very much for listening. I hope this episode has been really helpful to you. Have a great day. And I will see you at the next episode of the Speaking and Communicating podcast. Goodbye.

Are Leaders Born Or Made?
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