Are Leaders Born Or Made?
Steve Jobs said:
"The greatest people are self-managing. Once they know the goal in mind, they will figure out what to do to get there. What they need is a vision, and that's what leadership is. Having a vision that you articulate that so the people around you can go on that journey with you.
Getting a consensus on a common vision. We wanted people that were insanely great at what they did, but were not necessarily those seasoned professionals. They had on at the tips of their fingers and in their passion, the latest understanding of where technology was and what we could do with that technology, and who wanted to bring that to lots of people.
So the neatest thing that happens is when you get a core of 10 great people, that it becomes self-policing as to who they let into that group. So I consider the most important job of someone like myself, is recruiting."
This is Steve Jobs speaking back in the 80s, when the Macintosh was launched. People at the Apple Company bought into his vision.
He mentions that a leader should have these three qualities:
1) a leader is not only self-motivating, but he surrounds himself with people who are self-motivated. Once you know what to do, you will go and figure out a way to do it.
2) a leader has a vision and he surrounds himself with people who share that common vision. The leader will articulate that vision so that there is consensus on the common vision.
3) a leader must be self-policing. Self-policing is not being constantly told that you need to cross the Ts and dot your Is. You always edit yourself, be it in behavior, the product quality or how you handle yourself amongst your colleagues.
Simon Sinek said:
'there are three things that a visionary leader should have. Vision is just cause. The cause is so just that you will sacrifice for it.
There are three qualities of a just cause:
1) Resilient - it can withstand macroeconomic changes like politics, the economy
2) Inclusive- you extend the invitation to those around you
3) Service oriented - others will be benefactors of that vision.'
Take some time to do a self-assessment on what kind of leadership qualities you already possess and which ones still need improvement.
Indeed details the 14 Traits of Visionary Leadership.
Founder of Self Leadership International, Andrew Bryant, is a Global expert, speaker, and coach on Self-leadership. He said:
'The practice of self-leadership is to be constantly developing the 'inner game' (mindset) and the ‘outer game’ (action).
The inner game consists of Intention, Self-awareness, Self-confidence, and Self-efficacy (self-belief) to achieve Personal Mastery, whilst the outer game consists of influence and impact. '
Additional Resources:
"Teaching Children Leadership Skills" w/ Atlas Aultman
"How Successful Leaders Communicate Effectively" w/ Joel Silverstone
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