Mastering the Art of Public Speaking and Storytelling w/ Michael Davis
“The fear of speaking is natural to human beings.”
Do you feel nervous every time you have to deliver a speech? Do you wish to become a master storyteller? If so, you're not alone.
On this episode, Michael Davis, CEO & Founder of Speaking CPR, narrates his humiliating first-grade experience and how it led to his age-long fear of standing in front of a crowd. He also talks about how his failures at his past job helped him become a world-class speaking coach.
From structuring your stories to connecting with your listeners, Michael discusses all the tips and tricks you need to take your public speaking game to the next level. Listen as he shares the secrets of great stories and how you can master the art of public speaking.
Key Points and Time-Stamps:
00:01:25 - Overcoming the fear of public speaking
00:07:55 - The real cause behind your fear of public speaking
00:08:55 - What to tell yourself to rise above the fear of speaking?
00:09:40 - Unveiling the mystique: Why audiences are in awe of you as a guest public speaker?
00:11:20 - Why your lacking communication skills may limit your career progress
00:11:55 - The best way to approach public speaking in this age of information glut
00:13:30 - Where to look when presenting the main points of your speech.
00:15:20 - Why your story is compelling and newsworthy irrespective of what you think
00:17:00 - Shaking up the status quo: What modern storytelling is missing and how to stand out
00:17:35 - The right way to tell a story: Tips and tricks for making your message stick
00:19:00 - The VAKS method: How to wow your audience with personal stories that resonate
00:22:10 - Let your audience use their imagination: Why filling in the blanks is critical to engaging storytelling
00:23:33 - The six emotions you need to evoke to resonate your story with your audience
00:23: 51 - What lingers in the mind of your audience after your speech: How to make your speech unforgettable
00:25:10 - Crafting the perfect story: techniques used by the widely successful storytellers of our world
00:26:20 - The countless benefits of a failure and a lesson file
...and much more
Why you should listen to this podcast episode:
- Learn how to become a more confident and persuasive public speaker and storyteller
- Discover practical and advanced storytelling techniques
- Get insights from top storytellers on what people actually look for in a speech
- Understand how to connect with your audience and leave a lasting impression
Additional Resources:
"The Book on Storytelling" by Michael Davis
"How To Be A Great Public Speaker" w/ Peter George
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