The 4 Stages of Confident Communication w/ Alison Arnoff
How confident are you in your communication skills?
Alison Arnoff is a Communications Coach who spent 30 years in the Tech industry.
25 Year Tech Industry Veteran. She is the champion for her clients that she never had when she started working in the tech industry.
Alison has worked for some of the biggest (and smallest) tech companies in the world. This includes 7 Tech Startups resulting in 5 Acquisitions and 2 IPO. She earned a Master’s of Science In Electrical Engineering at a time when women were not doing this . This all prepared her to become a fearless coach and partner. Her mission is:
- to be your biggest Champion and Challenger
- to be on your side so you are not alone in your journey
- to help you turn down the voices in your head making you doubt yourself and your abilities.
On this episode, Alison highlights how both confidence and effective communication are necessary.
Listen as Alison shares:
- how leaders can actively include introverts and encourage them to speak
- how our careers can evolve over time using communication skills
- how to develop proactive strategies to position yourself for a promotion
- how to take your career to the next level
- how to build your confidence and awareness
- how to increase your executive presence
- how to live the unboxed life
- how to allow ourselves the space to expand
- how to identify a champion to help you grow and evolve
- how to align your life to your values
- how to give constructive feedback
- how to silence the negative inner voice
- the 4 key stages of confident communication
...and so much more!
Connect with Alison:
Baltic Apprenticeships has also listed ways to be a confident communicator on their website.
Additional Resources:
"How To Climb The Engineering Career Ladder" w/ Limor Bergman Gross
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