Find Your Leadership Confidence w/ Victoria Noethling

How can you become confident in your leadership?

Meet Victoria Noethling!

Dive into a world where leadership transcends traditional boundaries and embraces empathy, inclusion, and the power of voice. In this episode, Vicki Noethling, a beacon of servant leadership, author, and dedicated coach, unravels the essence of leading with love, understanding, and the pivotal role of effective communication in nurturing teams that are not just productive, but feel like an integral part of the solution.

Vicki shares her transformative journey from overcoming the constraints of conventional leadership to pioneering a path where the heart, head, and hands align to forge authentic connections. She sheds light on her innovative approach to virtual meetings during the pandemic, highlighting the importance of eye contact and vocal engagement in creating a compelling online presence. Her strategies for inclusive leadership are a treasure trove for managers navigating the diverse and remote landscapes of the modern workplace.

But the true magic unfolds as Vicki delves into her work with youth, empowering the next generation with the confidence to lead and communicate with impact. Her stories of transformation and the ability to create a space where even the quietest voices are heard and valued will leave you inspired and ready to embrace a leadership style that's truly transformative.

Connect with Vicki Noethling:
Social Media: @VickiNoethling (Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest)
YouTube: Vicki Noethling LLC

📋 Episode Chapters

(00:00) This podcast focuses on improving your communication skills and leadership development
(00:41) Vicki Noethling is a speaker, an author, and a coach
(06:01) The hybrid model allows you to work from home remotely or hybridly
(11:20) Making attendees in your virtual meeting feel included and making them feel something
(18:42) You teach youth leadership skills in addition to the usual academics
(28:15) Your podcast is aimed at helping people become confident leaders
(29:34) Victoria Noethling has authored six books on leadership

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Find Your Leadership Confidence w/ Victoria Noethling
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