Why Affirmations Don't Work w/ Janet Elaine Schmidt

If ​we ​can ​move ​our ​mind ​into ​our ​heart ​• ​• ​• ​and ​let ​the ​heart ​dictate, ​we ​would ​be ​much ​freer. ​And ​your ​heart, ​from ​an ​electrical ​standpoint, ​has ​more ​volts ​than ​your ​brain.
Speaker B
Welcome ​back ​to ​the ​speaking ​and ​communicating ​podcast. ​I ​am ​your ​host, ​Roberta ​Angela. ​If ​you ​are ​looking ​to ​improve ​your ​communication ​skills, ​both ​professionally ​and ​personally, ​this ​is ​the ​podcast ​as ​you ​should ​be ​tuning ​into. ​Communication ​and ​soft ​skills, ​uh, ​are ​crucial ​for ​your ​career ​growth ​and ​leadership ​development. ​We ​are ​currently ​looking ​for ​professionals ​or ​entrepreneurs ​who ​would ​be ​willing ​to ​discuss ​their ​communication ​challenges ​on ​this ​show. ​All ​the ​details ​of ​booking ​a ​spot.
Speaker C
With ​me ​are ​found ​on ​the ​show.
Speaker B
Notes, ​and ​by ​the ​end ​of ​this ​episode, ​please ​log ​on ​to ​Apple ​and ​Spotify ​and ​leave ​us ​a ​rating ​and ​a ​review.
Janet Elaine Schmidt is a performance facilitator and mind guru
Now ​let's ​get ​communicating. ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​•
Speaker C
Now ​let's ​get ​communicating ​• ​with ​Janet ​Elaine ​Schmidt, ​who ​is ​a ​performance ​facilitator ​and ​a, ​ah, ​mind ​guru ​who ​helps ​you ​use ​your ​own ​mind ​to ​your ​benefit. ​And ​before ​I ​go ​any ​further, ​please ​help ​me ​welcome ​her ​to ​the ​show. ​Hi, ​Janet. ​• ​• ​•
Speaker A
Hi. ​It's ​a ​pleasure ​to ​be ​here. ​Thank ​you ​for ​having ​me.
Speaker C
Thank ​you ​for ​being ​here. ​Welcome. ​I'm ​so ​excited ​about ​our ​conversation.
Janet Elaine Schmidt is a holistic healer who focuses on reprogramming
But ​first, ​please ​introduce ​yourself. ​• ​• ​•

With ​me ​are ​found ​on ​the ​show.
Speaker B
Notes, ​and ​by ​the ​end ​of ​this ​episode, ​please ​log ​on ​to ​Apple ​and ​Spotify ​and ​leave ​us ​a ​rating ​and ​a ​review.
Janet Elaine Schmidt is a performance facilitator and mind guru
Now ​let's ​get ​communicating. ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​•
Speaker C
Now ​let's ​get ​communicating ​• ​with ​Janet ​Elaine ​Schmidt, ​who ​is ​a ​performance ​facilitator ​and ​a, ​ah, ​mind ​guru ​who ​helps ​you ​use ​your ​own ​mind ​to ​your ​benefit. ​And ​before ​I ​go ​any ​further, ​please ​help ​me ​welcome ​her ​to ​the ​show. ​Hi, ​Janet. ​• ​• ​•
Speaker A
Hi. ​It's ​a ​pleasure ​to ​be ​here. ​Thank ​you ​for ​having ​me.
Speaker C
Thank ​you ​for ​being ​here. ​Welcome. ​I'm ​so ​excited ​about ​our ​conversation.
Janet Elaine Schmidt is a holistic healer who focuses on reprogramming
But ​first, ​please ​introduce ​yourself. ​• ​• ​•
Speaker A
Well, ​I'm ​Janet ​Elaine ​Schmidt. ​Obviously, ​I ​guess ​you ​would ​say ​that ​I ​am ​a ​holistic ​healer ​that ​uses ​both ​techniques ​that ​are ​used ​in ​therapy ​• ​and ​ancient ​methods ​to ​bring ​your ​left ​hemisphere ​and ​your ​right ​hemisphere ​into ​a ​whole ​agreement ​on ​a ​new ​belief. ​So ​basically, ​we ​go ​through ​and ​we ​reprogram ​what's ​not ​working ​for ​you? ​• ​•
Speaker C
Reprogram. ​And ​so ​what ​happens ​with ​reprogramming? ​We ​hear ​a ​lot ​of ​the. ​This ​is ​how ​from ​birth, ​too. ​Is ​it ​about ​age ​seven?
Speaker A
Yes, ​it ​is. ​I ​believe ​it's ​already ​when ​you're ​in ​the ​womb, ​because ​we ​can ​hear. ​It's ​proven ​that ​the ​babies ​can ​hear. ​It's ​kind ​of ​like ​when ​you're ​in ​the ​mother's ​womb, ​you ​hear ​the ​mother's ​voice. ​When ​you're ​out ​of ​the ​womb, ​you ​recognize ​your ​mom's ​voice. ​Uh, ​so ​I ​believe ​that ​even ​some ​of ​the ​programming ​is ​done ​even ​prior ​to ​birth, ​but ​it ​is ​from ​zero ​to ​about ​seven ​years ​old. ​After ​that, ​it's ​society, ​your ​friends, ​and ​anything ​catastrophic ​that ​happens ​to ​you ​that's ​going ​to ​dictate ​how ​you ​live ​your ​reality. ​I ​mean, ​it's ​all ​energy. ​• ​•
We ​always ​say ​parents ​don't ​have ​a ​manual ​of ​how ​to ​be ​the ​best ​parent ​and ​create ​the ​best ​kid ​when ​you ​are ​being ​raised. ​So ​from ​those ​early ​stages ​to, ​as ​you ​said, ​even ​as ​a ​teenager, ​• ​• ​what ​is ​it ​that ​can ​be ​done ​differently ​now ​that ​we ​have ​this ​knowledge ​to ​say, ​okay, ​here's ​how ​a ​child's ​mind ​is ​going ​to ​be ​cultivated ​and ​programmed.
Speaker A
Um, ​that's ​an ​excellent ​question ​because ​I ​hope ​there's ​a ​lot ​of ​prospective ​parents ​and ​early ​parents ​listening, ​because ​when ​we ​look ​at ​ourselves, ​and ​this ​is ​the ​biggest ​thing, ​you ​have ​to ​be ​the ​student ​of ​your ​life ​and ​really ​be ​honest ​about ​your ​behaviors, ​your ​traits, ​your ​thoughts, ​everything. ​And ​recognize ​that, ​uh, ​• ​our ​parents ​did ​the ​best ​they ​could, ​but ​now ​we're ​in ​this ​body, ​and ​now ​we ​get ​to ​decide ​if ​we're ​going ​to ​take ​that ​characteristic ​or ​not. ​One ​of ​the ​characteristics ​that ​I ​got ​from ​my ​mom ​was ​fear. ​• ​• ​So ​• ​• ​I ​was ​fearful ​of ​everything. ​And ​it ​wasn't ​until ​I ​deprogrammed ​it ​to ​have ​safety, ​security, ​and ​confidence ​that ​I ​could ​walk ​forward. ​But ​these ​are ​things ​that ​we ​can ​give. ​The ​other ​thing ​I ​got ​was ​inherited ​money ​consciousness, ​that ​is ​inherited. ​And ​so ​a, ​uh, ​young ​child ​listens ​to ​their ​parents ​talk ​about ​money. ​I ​mean, ​we ​don't ​think ​our ​kids ​are ​listening, ​but ​they ​are. ​And ​so ​how ​you ​feel ​about ​anybody, ​how ​you ​feel ​about ​money, ​how ​you ​feel ​about ​every ​situation, ​your ​emotions, ​• ​• ​those ​children ​are ​watching ​you. ​They're ​sponges. ​They ​can ​feel ​it. ​It ​kind ​of ​goes ​back ​to ​when ​I ​was ​young. ​I ​was ​a ​very ​silly ​girl. ​I ​love ​to ​play ​tricks. ​I ​still ​do. ​I ​love ​to ​play ​little ​tricks ​on ​my ​siblings. ​And ​my ​parents ​used ​to ​say, ​that's ​a ​really ​stupid ​thing ​to ​do. ​They ​meant ​silly. ​• ​• ​•

Speaker A
Okay, ​but ​they ​use ​the ​word ​stupid.
Speaker A
Yes, ​• ​• ​• ​• ​stupid ​can ​have ​an ​extreme ​effect ​on ​a ​child. ​And ​my ​parents ​didn't ​know ​what ​they ​were ​doing ​at ​the ​time. ​But ​I ​tell ​people, ​choose ​your ​words ​wisely. ​It's ​communicating. ​It's ​all ​about ​communication. ​And ​communication, ​I'm ​going ​to ​say ​this ​again, ​has ​energy, ​and ​quantum ​physics ​is ​proof. ​And ​Einstein ​said, ​put ​the ​frequency ​out ​there ​of ​the ​reality ​you ​wish ​for ​and ​you ​can't ​help ​but ​bring ​it ​to ​you. ​That's ​not ​philosophy, ​that's ​physics. ​And ​so ​I ​would ​say ​to ​everyone, ​understand, ​your ​words ​matter, ​your ​actions ​matter, ​your ​behaviors ​matter.
Speaker C
That's ​why ​we're ​on ​a ​communicating ​podcast.
You say your kids are listening to how you talk about money
But ​here's ​my ​question. ​Let's ​go ​back ​to ​the ​money ​part.
Speaker A
Mhm. ​• ​•
Speaker C
When ​you ​say ​your ​kids ​are ​listening ​to ​how ​you ​talk ​about ​money, ​are ​you ​saying ​the ​solution ​is ​whenever ​they ​say, ​mommy, ​can ​we ​buy ​this? ​You ​must ​never ​say, ​we ​can't ​afford ​it. ​Or ​should ​they ​always ​get ​what ​they ​want ​to ​show ​them, ​hey, ​there's ​abundance ​of ​money ​in ​the ​world. ​It ​never ​runs ​out. ​Because, ​you ​know, ​we ​talk ​about ​abundance.
Speaker A
Yeah, ​you ​could ​say ​we're ​just ​not ​buying ​it ​today. ​You ​don't ​have ​to ​discuss ​that. ​You ​don't ​have ​the ​money. ​You ​can ​discuss ​and ​say, ​we're ​not ​buying ​that ​today. ​There's ​nothing ​wrong ​with ​saying, ​we're ​not ​buying ​it ​today. ​I ​came ​from ​eight ​generations ​of ​lutheran ​ministers ​who ​signed ​up ​to ​be ​economically ​challenged, ​who ​signed ​up ​to ​give ​their ​last ​sense ​to ​the ​underserved ​and ​who ​really ​had ​no ​money ​to ​manage. ​And ​I ​don't ​want ​to ​take ​that ​away ​from ​them ​because ​that ​was ​their ​journey. ​That ​was ​what ​they ​chose ​to ​do. ​But ​I ​ended ​up ​having ​to ​go ​down ​that ​rabbit ​hole ​to ​figure ​out ​why ​I ​had ​money ​issues, ​• ​• ​why ​different ​things ​were ​coming ​up. ​And ​my ​mom ​used ​to ​say ​that ​money ​was ​the ​root ​of ​all ​evil ​and ​that ​it's ​a ​Bible. ​It's ​a ​Bible ​thing. ​That's ​not ​what ​it ​was ​meant ​at ​all ​in ​the ​Bible. ​But ​that's ​how ​it ​came ​out. ​That ​money ​changed ​people. ​• ​• ​• ​My ​mom ​didn't ​understand ​that ​this ​was ​going ​to ​program ​me ​or ​that ​this ​was ​going ​to ​have. ​But ​later ​on ​in ​life, ​I ​ended ​up ​being ​chairman ​of ​the ​board ​of ​a ​nonprofit ​that ​helped ​homeless ​women ​get ​a ​better ​education. ​So ​I'm ​helping ​the ​underserved. ​I ​ended ​up ​raising ​funds ​for ​inner ​city ​hospitals ​because ​they ​didn't ​have ​enough ​money ​to ​help ​the ​underserved. ​And ​yet ​my ​money ​was ​going ​to ​all ​of ​the ​underserved ​at ​my ​own ​detriment.
Your financial advisor made an investment outside the scope of your firm
Speaker C
Did ​you ​have ​anything ​that ​you ​needed ​in ​your ​personal ​life ​or ​were ​you ​just ​focused ​on ​the ​underserved ​and ​making ​sure ​they ​were ​okay ​but ​you ​were ​not ​okay?
Speaker A
Well, ​I ​ended ​up ​with ​a ​large ​sum ​of ​money. ​And ​I ​was ​excited ​because ​I ​ended ​up ​divorced. ​And ​I ​could ​now ​help ​the ​underserved, ​both ​individual ​alike. ​And ​so ​I ​was ​giving ​to ​the ​underserved. ​But ​at ​the ​same ​point, ​my ​financial ​advisor, ​I ​always ​say ​this, ​who ​is ​with ​a ​well ​known ​financial ​firm ​that's ​out ​there ​today, ​• ​• ​uh, ​made ​an ​investment ​outside ​the ​scope ​of ​the ​firm. ​And ​I ​lost ​a ​lot ​of ​money. ​And ​it ​was ​because ​I ​wasn't ​trained ​to ​manage ​the ​money. ​I ​didn't ​have ​that ​in ​me. ​It ​wasn't ​imprinted ​in ​me ​to ​take ​care ​of ​the ​money. ​Then ​you're ​naive, ​but ​you're ​ignorant ​if ​you're ​not ​taking ​care ​of ​the ​money. ​And ​so ​I ​just ​root ​and ​I ​gave ​my ​money ​to ​the ​underserved. ​Um, ​I'm ​now ​in ​arbitration. ​• ​• ​And ​all ​I ​could ​think ​of ​was ​I'm ​going ​to ​lose ​this ​money. ​I ​never ​once ​didn't ​think ​I ​wasn't ​going ​to ​win. ​And ​sure ​enough, ​I ​won. ​The ​financial ​advisor ​was ​disbarred ​the ​company ​fined, ​• ​his ​partner ​fined. ​But ​I ​only ​got ​10% ​of ​what ​I ​lost. ​• ​So ​I ​had ​to ​go ​down ​and ​figure ​out, ​instead ​of ​pointing ​the ​fingers ​at ​them, ​I ​had ​to ​go ​down ​and ​say, ​what ​put ​me ​in ​this ​position? ​What ​was ​it ​that ​put ​me ​here? ​What ​is ​it ​about ​me ​inside ​m ​me ​• ​• ​that ​had ​this ​feeling? ​And ​so ​that's ​what ​took ​me ​down ​to ​studying ​epigenetics, ​which ​is ​the ​imprinting ​of ​our ​belief ​system, ​our ​behaviors, ​our ​thoughts, ​from ​our ​family, ​from ​our ​relatives. ​And ​so ​that ​took ​me ​down ​to ​start ​decoding ​and ​dissecting ​myself. ​And ​that's ​what ​I ​went ​into ​studying ​NLP ​and ​theta ​healing ​and ​psych ​and ​EMDR ​and ​hypnosis. ​And ​I ​just ​kept ​getting ​certified ​in ​everything ​that ​dealt ​with ​the ​subconscious ​mind ​so ​that ​I ​could ​understand ​how ​to ​heal ​the ​subconscious ​or ​bring ​the ​subconscious ​to ​a ​point ​where ​I'm ​in ​agreement ​with ​abundance ​and ​that ​my ​money ​consciousness ​is ​at ​a ​high ​level, ​that ​I ​can ​hold ​a ​lot ​of ​money.

That's ​why ​we're ​on ​a ​communicating ​podcast.
You say your kids are listening to how you talk about money
But ​here's ​my ​question. ​Let's ​go ​back ​to ​the ​money ​part.
Speaker A
Mhm. ​• ​•
Speaker C
When ​you ​say ​your ​kids ​are ​listening ​to ​how ​you ​talk ​about ​money, ​are ​you ​saying ​the ​solution ​is ​whenever ​they ​say, ​mommy, ​can ​we ​buy ​this? ​You ​must ​never ​say, ​we ​can't ​afford ​it. ​Or ​should ​they ​always ​get ​what ​they ​want ​to ​show ​them, ​hey, ​there's ​abundance ​of ​money ​in ​the ​world. ​It ​never ​runs ​out. ​Because, ​you ​know, ​we ​talk ​about ​abundance.
Speaker A
Yeah, ​you ​could ​say ​we're ​just ​not ​buying ​it ​today. ​You ​don't ​have ​to ​discuss ​that. ​You ​don't ​have ​the ​money. ​You ​can ​discuss ​and ​say, ​we're ​not ​buying ​that ​today. ​There's ​nothing ​wrong ​with ​saying, ​we're ​not ​buying ​it ​today. ​I ​came ​from ​eight ​generations ​of ​lutheran ​ministers ​who ​signed ​up ​to ​be ​economically ​challenged, ​who ​signed ​up ​to ​give ​their ​last ​sense ​to ​the ​underserved ​and ​who ​really ​had ​no ​money ​to ​manage. ​And ​I ​don't ​want ​to ​take ​that ​away ​from ​them ​because ​that ​was ​their ​journey. ​That ​was ​what ​they ​chose ​to ​do. ​But ​I ​ended ​up ​having ​to ​go ​down ​that ​rabbit ​hole ​to ​figure ​out ​why ​I ​had ​money ​issues, ​• ​• ​why ​different ​things ​were ​coming ​up. ​And ​my ​mom ​used ​to ​say ​that ​money ​was ​the ​root ​of ​all ​evil ​and ​that ​it's ​a ​Bible. ​It's ​a ​Bible ​thing. ​That's ​not ​what ​it ​was ​meant ​at ​all ​in ​the ​Bible. ​But ​that's ​how ​it ​came ​out. ​That ​money ​changed ​people. ​• ​• ​• ​My ​mom ​didn't ​understand ​that ​this ​was ​going ​to ​program ​me ​or ​that ​this ​was ​going ​to ​have. ​But ​later ​on ​in ​life, ​I ​ended ​up ​being ​chairman ​of ​the ​board ​of ​a ​nonprofit ​that ​helped ​homeless ​women ​get ​a ​better ​education. ​So ​I'm ​helping ​the ​underserved. ​I ​ended ​up ​raising ​funds ​for ​inner ​city ​hospitals ​because ​they ​didn't ​have ​enough ​money ​to ​help ​the ​underserved. ​And ​yet ​my ​money ​was ​going ​to ​all ​of ​the ​underserved ​at ​my ​own ​detriment.
Your financial advisor made an investment outside the scope of your firm
Speaker C
Did ​you ​have ​anything ​that ​you ​needed ​in ​your ​personal ​life ​or ​were ​you ​just ​focused ​on ​the ​underserved ​and ​making ​sure ​they ​were ​okay ​but ​you ​were ​not ​okay?
Speaker A
Well, ​I ​ended ​up ​with ​a ​large ​sum ​of ​money. ​And ​I ​was ​excited ​because ​I ​ended ​up ​divorced. ​And ​I ​could ​now ​help ​the ​underserved, ​both ​individual ​alike. ​And ​so ​I ​was ​giving ​to ​the ​underserved. ​But ​at ​the ​same ​point, ​my ​financial ​advisor, ​I ​always ​say ​this, ​who ​is ​with ​a ​well ​known ​financial ​firm ​that's ​out ​there ​today, ​• ​• ​uh, ​made ​an ​investment ​outside ​the ​scope ​of ​the ​firm. ​And ​I ​lost ​a ​lot ​of ​money. ​And ​it ​was ​because ​I ​wasn't ​trained ​to ​manage ​the ​money. ​I ​didn't ​have ​that ​in ​me. ​It ​wasn't ​imprinted ​in ​me ​to ​take ​care ​of ​the ​money. ​Then ​you're ​naive, ​but ​you're ​ignorant ​if ​you're ​not ​taking ​care ​of ​the ​money. ​And ​so ​I ​just ​root ​and ​I ​gave ​my ​money ​to ​the ​underserved. ​Um, ​I'm ​now ​in ​arbitration. ​• ​• ​And ​all ​I ​could ​think ​of ​was ​I'm ​going ​to ​lose ​this ​money. ​I ​never ​once ​didn't ​think ​I ​wasn't ​going ​to ​win. ​And ​sure ​enough, ​I ​won. ​The ​financial ​advisor ​was ​disbarred ​the ​company ​fined, ​• ​his ​partner ​fined. ​But ​I ​only ​got ​10% ​of ​what ​I ​lost. ​• ​So ​I ​had ​to ​go ​down ​and ​figure ​out, ​instead ​of ​pointing ​the ​fingers ​at ​them, ​I ​had ​to ​go ​down ​and ​say, ​what ​put ​me ​in ​this ​position? ​What ​was ​it ​that ​put ​me ​here? ​What ​is ​it ​about ​me ​inside ​m ​me ​• ​• ​that ​had ​this ​feeling? ​And ​so ​that's ​what ​took ​me ​down ​to ​studying ​epigenetics, ​which ​is ​the ​imprinting ​of ​our ​belief ​system, ​our ​behaviors, ​our ​thoughts, ​from ​our ​family, ​from ​our ​relatives. ​And ​so ​that ​took ​me ​down ​to ​start ​decoding ​and ​dissecting ​myself. ​And ​that's ​what ​I ​went ​into ​studying ​NLP ​and ​theta ​healing ​and ​psych ​and ​EMDR ​and ​hypnosis. ​And ​I ​just ​kept ​getting ​certified ​in ​everything ​that ​dealt ​with ​the ​subconscious ​mind ​so ​that ​I ​could ​understand ​how ​to ​heal ​the ​subconscious ​or ​bring ​the ​subconscious ​to ​a ​point ​where ​I'm ​in ​agreement ​with ​abundance ​and ​that ​my ​money ​consciousness ​is ​at ​a ​high ​level, ​that ​I ​can ​hold ​a ​lot ​of ​money.
Speaker C
Right. ​Speaking ​of ​epigenetics, ​I ​don't ​know ​if ​you're ​familiar ​with ​Dr. ​Joe ​Dispenza.
Speaker A
Oh, ​yes, ​I ​am.

Speaker C
Yes, ​• ​• ​he ​talks ​a ​lot ​about ​epigenetics, ​but ​back ​to ​subconscious ​programming. ​So ​we ​were ​programmed ​a ​certain ​way ​because ​our, ​uh, ​parents ​did ​the ​best ​they ​could. ​But ​now, ​• ​• ​• ​• ​why? ​First ​of ​all, ​a ​lot ​of ​us ​do ​attend ​the ​summits ​and ​the ​seminars ​and ​the ​five ​day ​seminar ​for ​success. ​And ​we ​affirm ​and ​we ​do ​all ​of ​these ​things, ​but ​sometimes ​things ​don't ​change ​for ​the ​better. ​Why ​is ​that? ​What's ​the ​missing ​link?
Speaker A
They ​haven't ​figured ​out ​what's ​in ​their ​quantum ​field ​or ​their ​timeline ​or ​embedded ​in ​them. ​That's ​stopping ​it. ​They ​haven't ​found ​the ​one ​thing ​yet. ​And ​the ​other ​thing ​I ​would ​say ​is ​the ​main ​part ​of ​people ​overcoming ​and ​actually ​• ​• ​changing ​their ​trajectory, ​right? ​So ​it's ​like ​me ​going ​from ​fear ​to ​safety, ​security ​and ​confidence, ​right? ​You ​have ​to ​be ​in ​the ​whole ​brain ​state. ​That ​means ​that ​your ​left ​hemisphere, ​which ​is ​your ​logical ​side, ​and ​your ​right ​hemisphere, ​which ​is ​your ​creative, ​have ​to ​be ​together ​as ​one ​and ​be ​in ​the ​whole ​brain ​state ​on ​the ​new ​belief. ​And ​this ​is ​why ​people ​have ​problems, ​because ​the ​logical ​side ​says, ​oh, ​I ​know ​what's ​best. ​And ​the ​creative ​side ​says, ​I ​know ​what's ​best. ​And ​they ​hit ​like ​this. ​This ​is ​why ​people ​have ​a ​hard ​time, ​uh, ​• ​healing ​from ​trauma, ​because ​it's ​constantly ​like ​that. ​And ​that's ​one ​of ​the ​great ​things ​about ​EMDR ​or ​EMI, ​is ​that ​both ​those ​techniques ​have ​the ​ability ​to ​bring ​you ​into ​a ​whole ​brain ​state. ​And ​so ​the ​healing ​can ​begin. ​And ​that's ​the ​same ​with ​putting ​a ​new ​belief ​in. ​And ​I ​figured ​out ​the ​way ​to ​move ​out. ​• ​• ​Uh, ​old ​belief, ​that's ​not ​serving. ​You ​put ​in ​a ​new ​belief. ​And ​then ​I ​actually ​double ​clamp ​it ​down ​with ​a ​technique ​that's ​called ​an ​energy ​psychology ​modality ​that ​brings ​your ​left ​cortex ​or ​your ​left ​hemisphere ​and ​your ​right ​hemisphere ​into ​a ​whole ​brain ​state ​on ​the ​new ​belief.
Speaker C
Speaking ​of ​• ​• ​• ​• ​logic, ​your ​logical ​brain, ​it ​looks ​at ​your ​bank ​balance ​and ​it ​says, ​okay, ​you ​have ​this ​amount ​right? ​But ​then ​you ​say, ​okay, ​my ​affirmations, ​• ​• ​uh, ​let ​me ​open ​YouTube ​and ​affirm ​and ​say, ​I ​am ​this. ​I ​am ​this. ​I ​am ​that. ​• ​• ​So ​is ​that ​the ​fight? ​Is ​that ​the ​disconnect? ​• ​•
Speaker A
The ​disconnect ​is ​saying, ​I ​am ​so ​lucky ​I ​have ​this ​money ​in ​my ​account. ​The ​disconnect ​is, ​to ​me, ​not ​being ​grateful ​that, ​oh, ​I ​do ​have ​some ​money ​in ​my ​account, ​or ​I'm ​so ​lucky ​I ​have ​that. ​I ​also ​use ​the ​phrase, ​everything's ​working ​out ​to ​my ​advantage. ​So ​it's ​all ​in ​what ​you ​feel. ​And ​I'm ​saying ​that ​this ​is ​a ​practice. ​It ​is ​a ​practice, ​and ​it ​is ​a ​process. ​• ​• ​But ​you ​can ​• ​• ​rewire ​your ​whole ​self, ​because ​the ​more ​you ​go ​down ​a ​lane ​of ​fear, ​the ​more ​you ​bring ​the ​fear ​to ​you. ​The ​more ​you ​go ​down ​to ​the ​lane ​of ​safety, ​security, ​and ​confidence, ​the ​more ​you ​walk ​the ​life ​freely, ​the ​more ​you ​think ​you're ​abundant, ​• ​no ​matter ​whether ​you ​have ​one ​penny ​or ​you ​have ​$1,000. ​• ​• ​I'll ​give ​an ​example. ​I ​have ​a ​friend, ​and, ​uh, ​• ​• ​she's ​very ​fortunate. ​She's ​built ​two ​companies. ​She ​sold ​two ​companies. ​• ​• ​I ​guarantee ​you ​I'll ​go ​on ​a ​walk ​with ​her ​every ​once ​in ​a ​while, ​probably ​twice ​a ​month. ​And ​when ​I ​walk ​with ​her, ​that ​woman ​always ​finds ​a ​penny ​on ​the ​ground ​and ​picks ​it ​up ​• ​• ​and ​puts ​it ​in ​her ​pocket, ​and ​she ​goes, ​wow, ​I'm ​so ​lucky. ​I ​got ​a ​lucky ​penny. ​M. ​It ​is ​a ​mindset. ​• ​• ​And ​we ​have ​been ​so ​conditioned, ​right ​and ​wrong. ​We've ​always ​been ​conditioned ​for ​the ​wrong. ​Don't ​do ​this. ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​No. ​Or ​we're ​conditioned ​to ​always ​look ​at ​the ​worst ​instead ​of ​looking ​at ​the ​best. ​Can ​you ​imagine ​if ​we ​looked ​at ​the ​best ​thing ​that ​happened ​to ​us ​and ​hung ​on ​to ​that, ​as ​long ​as ​we ​hang ​on ​to ​the ​worst ​that ​happened ​to ​us? ​It ​is ​a ​mindset. ​And ​that's ​why ​I ​tell ​people, ​you ​are ​your ​own ​mind ​guru. ​Decide ​how ​you ​want ​to ​be ​the ​guru ​of ​your ​mind.
Speaker C
And ​why ​do ​we ​do ​that, ​though? ​Because ​• ​• ​• ​the ​worst ​is ​especially ​what ​lingers ​on ​much ​longer ​in ​the ​brain ​than ​the ​best. ​The ​best. ​We ​can ​be ​happy ​for ​five ​minutes ​and ​we're ​like, ​oh, ​great. ​My ​life's ​great, ​but ​the ​worst, ​when ​it ​happens. ​Have ​you ​realized ​how ​much ​longer ​we ​just ​stay ​in ​that ​state?
Speaker A
It ​does. ​That's ​why ​I ​tell ​my ​clients, ​the ​minute ​you ​start ​feeling ​that, ​just ​say, ​everything's ​working ​out ​to ​my ​advantage. ​Or ​isn't ​it ​wonderful? ​Something ​marvelous ​is ​happening ​to ​me ​right ​now, ​which ​are ​all, ​it's ​either ​from ​Joseph ​Murphy ​or, ​uh, ​Goddard ​that ​says ​these ​things, ​and ​they're ​wonderful ​things ​to ​say ​to ​yourself ​right ​when ​it ​happens. ​But ​if ​you ​look ​at ​society, ​if ​you ​look ​at ​what's ​out ​there, ​even ​today, ​even ​if ​we ​go ​to ​past ​generations, ​• ​• ​we ​are ​conditioned ​for ​the ​worst. ​Like, ​if ​we ​look ​at ​the ​news, ​they're ​always ​putting ​the ​worst ​out ​there.
You attract even the thing you fear because you are the vibrational match for it
They're ​rarely ​putting ​the ​good ​out ​there. ​And ​I ​guarantee ​you ​there's ​absolutely ​• ​• ​• ​equal ​or ​more ​good ​going ​on ​out ​there ​in ​the ​world ​than ​what ​we ​ever ​will ​ever ​see.
Speaker C
I ​truly ​believe ​that. ​Yeah. ​• ​•
Speaker A
And ​that's ​a ​fact. ​So ​we're ​conditioned ​from ​the ​time ​we're ​born ​• ​to ​hang ​on ​to ​what ​we're ​negativity, ​to ​hang ​on ​for ​that ​feeling ​because ​we ​don't ​want ​it. ​We ​don't ​want ​it. ​And ​so ​what ​happens ​is ​when ​you ​don't ​want ​something, ​you're ​bringing ​it ​to ​you ​because ​you're ​putting ​that ​vibration ​out ​there. ​And ​the ​thought ​is ​on ​that ​thing ​instead ​of ​the ​thought.

Speaker C
So ​that's ​why ​even ​when ​you ​affirm, ​things ​don't ​change, ​because ​the ​belief ​systems ​are ​still ​much ​stronger ​in ​your ​subconscious.

Speaker A
The ​belief ​systems ​are ​still ​there. ​Now, ​that ​doesn't ​mean ​that ​if ​you ​don't ​say, ​and ​I'm ​going ​to ​say, ​uh, ​if ​you're ​going ​to ​do ​affirmations, ​please ​do ​them ​in ​your ​own ​voice, ​because ​your ​higher ​self ​recognizes ​your ​own ​voice. ​So ​if ​you ​like ​certain ​affirmations, ​that's ​what ​I'd ​say, ​record ​them ​in ​your ​own ​voice ​and ​listen ​to ​them. ​But ​it ​is ​proven ​fact ​that ​you ​can ​change ​your ​habit. ​• ​If ​you ​listen ​or ​you ​do ​something ​for ​21 ​days ​to ​30 ​days, ​then ​you're ​starting ​to ​get ​into ​that ​thought ​process. ​The ​biggest ​challenge ​that ​people ​have ​is ​staying ​in ​the ​21 ​to ​30 ​days. ​Yeah, ​people ​• ​• ​don't ​always ​like ​making ​that ​commitment. ​• ​• ​I ​have, ​uh, ​a ​meditation ​that ​I ​actually ​• ​• ​ask ​my ​clients ​to ​do ​for ​21 ​days, ​and ​it's ​about ​22, ​23 ​minutes ​long. ​It's ​not ​even ​mine. ​It ​came ​out ​four ​years ​ago ​about ​how ​to ​raise ​your ​frequency ​permanently. ​And ​I ​say, ​please ​go ​through ​that. ​I ​give ​them ​additional ​instructions ​that ​this ​particular ​person ​doesn't ​give ​them, ​but ​at ​the ​same ​point, ​and ​I ​say, ​do ​it ​for ​21 ​days, ​because ​21 ​days, ​I ​guarantee ​you, ​you're ​going ​to ​really ​raise ​your ​frequency.

Speaker C
Have ​you ​had ​any ​feedback, ​uh, ​from ​your ​clients? ​What ​are ​some ​of ​the ​changes ​they've ​experienced? ​You ​don't ​have ​to ​mention ​any ​names.

Speaker A
I ​have ​one ​review, ​actually, ​on ​my ​website, ​and ​actually ​her ​story, ​she ​wrote ​the ​story, ​and ​it's ​going ​to ​be ​on ​my ​website. ​And ​I ​only ​went ​out ​to ​one ​of ​my ​hobbies ​is ​teaching, ​doing ​a ​layman's ​workshop ​on ​acupressure ​kinesiology, ​taping ​for ​horses. ​And ​so ​somebody ​who ​knew ​that ​asked ​me ​if ​I'd ​come ​and ​teach ​the ​barn. ​So ​I ​said, ​yeah, ​I'll ​come ​out ​and ​do ​the ​barn. ​And ​a ​woman ​tapped ​into ​me, ​and ​she ​said, ​can ​I ​pay ​you ​for ​a ​private ​session ​for ​my ​horse? ​And ​it ​turned ​out ​that ​she ​and ​her ​horse ​had ​trauma, ​and ​they ​had ​trauma ​from ​different ​times ​because ​she ​had ​just ​gotten ​the ​horse ​probably ​a ​year ​before, ​and ​they ​both ​had ​gone ​through ​trauma. ​The ​horse ​was ​taken. ​It ​was ​a ​wild ​horse ​that ​was ​taken ​before ​it ​was ​even ​a ​year ​old. ​And ​she ​had ​gone ​through ​trauma ​as ​a ​girl, ​and ​she ​thought ​she ​just ​had ​to ​suck ​it ​up. ​So ​as ​I'm ​working ​on ​the ​horse, ​she ​starts ​crying, ​and ​everything ​gets ​released. ​And ​then ​after ​we ​finished ​with ​this, ​she ​even ​wrote ​that ​her ​horse ​and ​herself ​communicate ​the ​fact ​that ​they ​were ​able ​to ​release ​trauma ​together. ​And ​then ​she ​signed ​up ​to ​do, ​she ​wanted ​to ​work ​on ​her ​business. ​So ​she ​did, ​uh, ​a ​couple ​of ​Zoom ​sessions ​with ​me ​on ​her ​business, ​and ​she ​said ​it ​took ​her ​to ​the ​next ​level ​by ​going ​through ​the ​techniques, ​the ​meditations. ​I ​give ​homework, ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​homework ​to ​my ​clients. ​And ​so ​she ​said, ​because ​I ​did ​all ​that, ​I'm ​at ​the ​next ​level. ​I ​leveled ​up. ​That's ​why ​I ​say ​it ​is ​• ​• ​what ​you're ​going ​to ​make ​the ​commitment ​to. ​Although ​I ​will ​say ​this, ​I ​have ​had ​some ​clients ​that ​have ​come ​in. ​I ​had ​one ​girl. ​She ​was ​an ​entrepreneur. ​She ​owned, ​um, ​three ​businesses. ​She ​said, ​my ​relationships ​are ​great, ​my ​friendships, ​everything's ​great, ​but ​my ​companies, ​I'm ​having ​a ​problem ​with ​the ​companies. ​And ​so ​she ​had ​a ​ceiling, ​a ​limit ​on ​her ​abundance ​ceiling. ​And ​so ​we ​went ​through ​the ​process ​of ​finding ​where ​that ​was ​stuck. ​We ​removed ​it, ​and ​we ​elevated ​• ​• ​her ​abundance, ​what ​I ​call ​abundance ​meter, ​or ​her ​abundance ​mindset, ​• ​• ​• ​to ​make ​it ​magnetized. ​• ​• ​And ​I ​hadn't ​heard ​from ​her ​for ​a ​month. ​Uh, ​so ​I ​email ​my ​clients ​if ​I ​haven't. ​And, ​uh, ​she ​said, ​oh, ​my ​gosh, ​I've ​had ​the ​most ​abundant ​month ​ever. ​And ​it's ​because ​you ​get ​rid ​of ​this ​vibration ​you've ​now ​rewired. ​It's ​kind ​of ​like ​what ​Joe ​Dispenza ​says. ​It's ​rewiring, ​and ​it's ​with ​you. ​You're ​rewiring ​your ​brain ​to ​go ​the ​direction ​that ​you ​wish ​for ​it ​to ​go ​in. ​I've ​had ​other ​people ​that ​when ​I ​do ​this ​energy ​psychology ​modality ​on ​them, ​after, ​at ​the ​end ​of ​the, ​uh, ​session, ​I ​always ​close ​with ​it, ​their ​voice. ​I've ​had ​at ​least ​three ​or ​four ​clients ​that ​their ​voice ​will ​actually ​change ​an ​octave, ​which ​means ​the ​way ​they're ​going ​to ​communicate ​has ​changed.

Speaker C
Do ​you ​know ​how ​many ​times ​we've ​had ​a ​guest ​talking ​about ​how ​voice ​• ​• ​one, ​uh, ​is ​a ​voice ​coach? ​And ​she ​said, ​we ​are ​not ​using ​our ​authentic ​voices. ​And ​whatever ​pitch ​we ​are ​using ​is ​based ​on ​something ​that ​happened, ​a ​trauma, ​or ​as ​kids, ​if ​we ​wanted ​something, ​we ​use ​a ​certain ​voice ​to ​get ​it. ​Otherwise, ​we ​don't. ​There's ​a ​lot ​attached ​to ​the ​voices ​we ​use ​• ​• ​• ​based ​on ​that.

Speaker A
Well, ​one ​of ​the ​clients ​that ​I'm ​thinking ​of, ​that ​voice ​actually ​changed ​when ​we ​did ​the ​energy ​psychology ​modality, ​which ​means ​that ​her ​left ​hemisphere ​and ​her ​right ​hemisphere ​were ​in ​the ​whole ​brain ​state ​on ​the ​new ​belief, ​and ​she ​changed ​the ​octave ​in ​her ​voice. ​She ​had ​trauma, ​and ​part ​of ​the ​trauma ​was ​she ​had ​been ​choked, ​and ​so ​now ​she ​had ​released ​that ​trauma ​and ​now ​she ​could ​speak ​freely. ​So ​it ​was ​a ​beautiful ​thing ​to ​see ​because ​she ​wasn't ​speaking ​her ​authentic ​self.

please. ​Yes, ​go ​ahead.

Speaker A
It's ​only ​90 ​seconds. ​And ​I ​give ​this ​to ​everyone ​because ​it's ​really ​important ​on, ​um, ​when ​you ​start ​feeling ​that ​or ​you ​feel ​• ​• ​too ​much ​going ​through ​your ​head ​to ​really ​get ​you ​centered ​and ​down. ​So ​• ​• ​• ​• ​if ​anybody's ​driving ​and ​listening ​to ​this, ​please ​don't ​do ​this. ​Just ​listen ​to ​it. ​But, ​um, ​I'm ​going ​to ​ask ​everybody ​to ​take ​a ​deep ​breath ​in. ​And ​as ​you ​exhale, ​close ​down ​your ​eyes. ​And ​now ​take ​all ​the ​thoughts ​and ​emotions ​and ​feelings ​that ​you ​have ​about ​everything. ​I ​mean, ​just ​everything ​that's ​in ​your ​day ​to ​day, ​everything ​that's ​bothering ​you, ​just ​all ​the ​emotions ​and ​feelings, ​• ​• ​get ​them ​all, ​all ​the ​thoughts ​and ​put ​them ​in ​the ​middle ​of ​your ​head. ​And ​now ​feel ​these ​thoughts ​move ​down. ​• ​•
Speaker C
Down. ​• ​• ​• ​•

Speaker A
We're ​going ​to ​move ​it ​to ​two ​inches ​below ​your ​navel ​• ​• ​down, ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​and ​just ​feel ​it ​blow. ​Let ​all ​the ​thoughts, ​emotions, ​feelings ​just ​flow ​down ​to ​two ​inches ​below ​your ​navel. ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​And ​now, ​from ​that ​point, ​see ​a ​bright ​light. ​• ​• ​• ​And ​now, ​from ​that ​bright ​light, ​• ​• ​see ​it ​flow ​down ​your ​legs ​to ​the ​ground, ​to ​the ​center ​of ​the ​earth, ​and ​just ​feel ​everything ​flow ​down ​• ​• ​• ​• ​to ​your ​navel, ​• ​• ​down ​your ​legs, ​to ​the ​ground, ​to ​the ​center ​of ​the ​earth. ​And ​now ​you ​can ​open ​your ​eyes. ​So ​I ​have ​people ​do ​this ​because ​we ​can ​get ​overwhelmed ​with ​life, ​and ​we ​can ​allow ​• ​• ​our ​thoughts ​and ​our ​emotions ​to ​get ​in ​the ​way. ​And ​this ​is ​a ​way ​that ​if ​you're ​going ​into ​a ​big ​meeting, ​you've ​had ​a ​hectic ​day, ​and ​you're ​going ​in ​to ​see ​your ​family, ​or ​you're ​going ​to ​go ​meet ​some ​friends, ​• ​• ​whatever ​it ​is, ​it ​is ​a ​way ​to ​clear ​your ​mind. ​And ​if ​you ​feel ​it ​coming ​on ​and ​you're ​going ​into ​a ​meeting ​or ​meeting ​with ​people, ​you ​can ​always ​do ​this. ​You ​can ​just ​stand ​in ​a ​bathroom ​stall ​and ​do ​this. ​I ​mean, ​it ​is ​• ​• ​a ​way ​to ​just ​very ​clear ​out ​everything. ​And ​I ​would ​say ​that's ​a ​start ​in ​reprogramming ​yourself, ​in ​being ​able ​to ​center ​yourself, ​bring ​yourself ​into ​an ​emotional ​intelligence ​state. ​• ​•

Speaker C
And ​it ​does ​feel ​a ​little ​lighter.

Speaking ​of ​feelings, ​it's ​back ​to, ​as ​we ​said. ​Uh, ​Dr. ​Joe ​Dispenza ​says ​it's ​the ​feeling. ​You ​can ​affirm ​all ​you ​want, ​but ​if ​the ​body, ​if ​you're ​not ​feeling ​it, ​how ​do ​we ​get ​into ​the ​state ​of ​believing ​and ​feeling ​and ​your ​body ​saying, ​yeah, ​I ​truly ​am ​embracing ​this, ​because ​I ​think ​that's ​where ​we ​struggle ​the ​most. ​• ​•
Speaker A
That ​is ​where ​we ​struggle ​the ​most, ​because ​we'll ​look ​at ​the ​3d ​world ​and ​we'll ​say, ​well, ​wait, ​I'm ​still ​in ​the ​same ​space. ​Are ​you ​really, ​though? ​If ​you've ​changed ​your ​energy, ​• ​• ​• ​then ​you ​can't ​help ​but ​bring ​the ​equal ​amount ​of ​energy ​to ​you. ​And ​that's ​why ​he ​talks ​about ​being ​in ​the ​state. ​It's ​kind ​of ​like ​• ​• ​when ​we ​stub ​our ​toe ​and ​we ​say, ​uh, ​this ​day ​is ​going ​to ​be ​terrible. ​All ​day ​you ​stub ​the ​toe ​in ​the ​morning, ​it ​rolls ​out ​that ​it ​ruins ​your ​day. ​• ​• ​You ​label ​it ​instead ​of ​saying, ​oh, ​I ​stub ​my ​toe ​and ​I'm ​going ​on ​my ​• ​• ​know, ​it's ​just ​something ​that ​happened ​• ​instead ​of ​labeling ​your ​whole ​day ​that ​way. ​And ​so ​when ​Joe ​talks ​about ​it, ​because ​I ​think ​also, ​uh, ​Neville ​Goddard ​talks ​about ​this, ​too, ​• ​• ​• ​and ​he ​talks ​about ​it ​too. ​Our ​minds ​• ​• ​really ​have ​control ​of ​us. ​If ​we ​can ​move ​our ​mind ​into ​our ​heart ​• ​• ​• ​and ​let ​the ​heart ​dictate, ​we ​would ​be ​much ​freer. ​• ​• ​And ​that's ​when ​they ​talk ​about ​• ​• ​imagining ​it ​or ​the ​feeling. ​The ​feeling ​is ​coming ​from ​your ​heart, ​not ​your ​head. ​• ​• ​That's ​when ​they ​talk ​about ​brain ​and ​heart ​coherence. ​• ​Uh, ​this ​is ​something ​I ​teach ​my ​clients, ​too. ​Your ​heart ​will ​never ​lead ​you ​wrong. ​It ​is ​up ​here ​that's ​going ​to ​lead ​you ​astray. ​So ​I ​teach ​how ​we ​can ​just ​flow ​our ​brain, ​and ​people ​can ​do ​it ​while ​we're ​talking. ​Now, ​just ​imagine ​your ​brain ​going ​down ​into ​your ​heart, ​and ​if ​this ​makes ​you ​feel ​any ​better, ​your ​heart ​has ​a ​brain, ​and ​your ​heart, ​from, ​uh, ​an ​electrical ​standpoint, ​has ​more ​volts ​than ​your ​brain. ​And ​so ​• ​• ​when ​you're ​coming ​from ​our ​heart, ​• ​• ​it's ​beautiful. ​And ​that's ​what ​they're ​talking ​about. ​If ​you ​want ​that ​• ​• ​job, ​• ​• ​then ​go ​to ​the ​heart ​and ​feel ​that ​job. ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​You're ​not ​going ​to ​feel ​that ​in ​your ​brain. ​You're ​going ​to ​feel ​it ​in ​your ​heart. ​That's ​the ​one ​thing ​they ​don't ​always ​talk ​about. ​I ​think ​Joe ​does ​talk ​about ​going ​into ​your ​heart, ​but ​it ​really ​is ​important ​• ​• ​to ​understand ​that ​the ​feeling ​is ​in ​here, ​not ​here. ​• ​•
Speaker C
The ​feeling ​is ​in ​the ​heart.
Speaker A
The ​feeling ​is ​in ​the ​heart. ​So ​I ​actually ​• ​• ​would ​say ​this ​to ​people. ​We ​just ​went ​through ​the ​one ​point, ​why ​don't ​you ​visualize ​your ​brain ​sliding ​down ​into ​your ​heart ​and ​make ​decisions ​from. ​• ​• ​There's, ​um, ​• ​• ​Greg ​Braden. ​I ​don't ​know ​if ​people ​know ​who ​he ​is.
Speaker C
I ​know ​Dr. ​Braden. ​• ​• ​• ​• ​When ​they ​were ​talking ​about ​quantum ​physics, ​was ​he ​in ​the ​secret? ​No, ​but ​• ​not ​long ​after ​the ​secret ​had ​discovered. ​•
Speaker A
Yeah, ​he's. ​He's ​wonderful. ​And ​• ​• ​when ​Covid ​started, ​he ​was ​actually ​in ​• ​• ​Australia. ​And ​so ​the ​last ​plane, ​they ​were ​allowing, ​• ​uh, ​the ​last ​couple ​planes ​to ​go ​out, ​and ​the ​last ​plane ​was ​going ​to ​the. ​He ​wanted ​to ​go ​home ​because ​he ​lives ​in ​New ​Mexico ​and ​nobody ​was ​getting ​on ​these ​planes. ​The ​woman ​said, ​are ​you ​sure ​you ​want ​to ​go ​back ​to ​the ​United ​States? ​Because ​Australia ​was ​pretty ​much ​locked ​down. ​And ​he ​said, ​I ​had ​to ​walk ​away ​because ​he ​said, ​literally, ​I'm ​going ​on ​this ​big ​jet, ​and ​there's ​only, ​like, ​14 ​people ​going. ​• ​• ​And ​so ​I ​had ​to ​ask ​myself, ​is ​this ​safe? ​Because ​I ​didn't ​want ​to ​get ​caught ​up ​in ​all. ​And ​he ​said, ​I ​walked ​around ​the ​corner, ​I ​put ​my ​hand ​on ​my ​heart, ​• ​• ​and ​I ​took ​three ​or ​four ​deep ​breaths ​and ​said, ​is ​it ​safe? ​And ​it ​said, ​yes. ​And ​he ​said, ​I ​got ​on ​the ​plane ​and ​I ​got ​home.
Speaker C
Wow. ​• ​• ​Just ​like ​that.
Speaker A
Yeah. ​And ​I ​do ​that ​a ​lot, ​actually. ​I ​will ​put ​my ​hand ​on ​my ​heart. ​I'll ​ask ​people ​to ​do ​something ​right ​now ​as ​we ​talk ​about ​speaking ​and ​frequencies. ​And ​that ​if ​you ​put ​your ​hand ​on ​your ​heart ​and ​say ​your ​name ​and ​you ​feel ​the ​vibration ​in ​it ​and ​then ​say ​somebody ​else's ​name ​that's ​not ​yours ​and ​feel ​the ​vibration, ​you ​will ​feel ​different. ​• ​• ​• ​You ​will ​feel ​the ​difference. ​And ​so ​when ​you ​start ​practicing ​that, ​it ​will ​help ​you ​also, ​• ​• ​because ​you'll ​get ​in ​tune ​then ​with ​the ​frequency ​where ​you ​won't ​even ​have ​to ​put ​your ​hand ​on ​your ​heart. ​• ​•
Speaker C
Absolutely ​• ​• ​amazing.
Janet Elaine Schmidt: The power to achieve success is in our hands
Janet ​Elaine ​Schmidt, ​is ​there ​one ​last ​thing ​I ​didn't ​ask ​you ​were ​hoping ​to ​share ​today? ​• ​•
Speaker A
Well, ​what ​I'd ​say ​to ​everyone ​is ​that ​the ​success ​that ​you ​desire ​for, ​and ​I ​know ​for ​some, ​it ​may ​say, ​yeah, ​but ​I ​promise ​you ​the ​success ​that ​you ​desire ​for ​is ​real ​and ​obtainable, ​but ​you ​have ​to ​understand ​the ​power ​is ​in ​our ​hands. ​We ​have ​been ​given ​the ​power. ​So ​it's ​just ​finding ​the ​techniques, ​finding ​the ​teachers, ​finding ​whatever ​is ​going ​to ​work ​for ​your ​frequency ​to ​bring ​you ​to ​that ​point, ​because ​there's ​plenty ​out ​there ​that's ​going ​to ​work ​for ​you ​with ​your ​subconscious ​conscious ​mind ​to ​bring ​you ​into ​what ​I ​call ​the ​superconscious, ​which ​then ​is ​in ​the ​heart.

Words ​of ​wisdom ​from ​Janet ​Elaine ​Schmidt, ​the ​performance ​facilitator ​and ​mind ​guru, ​helps ​you ​to ​be ​your ​own ​mind ​guru. ​Thank ​you ​so ​much ​for ​being ​here ​today. ​This ​has ​been ​absolutely ​amazing. ​• ​•
Speaker A
It's ​been ​a ​joy. ​Thank ​you.
Speaker C
My ​absolute ​pleasure. ​Before ​you ​go, ​where ​can ​you ​find ​you ​online? ​• ​•
Speaker A
You ​can ​find ​me ​at ​meetjess ​j ​e. ​S.com ​or ​janetelainschmidt.com.
Speaker C
All ​right, ​I ​will ​put ​that ​on ​the ​show ​notes ​Mejaz.com ​janetelainschmidt.com. ​Thank ​you, ​Janet. ​Don't ​forget ​to ​subscribe. ​My ​pleasure. ​Thank ​you ​for ​joining ​the ​speaking ​and.
Speaker B
Communicating ​podcast ​once ​again. ​If ​you ​are ​willing ​to ​be ​on ​the ​show ​to ​discuss ​your ​communication ​challenges ​and ​see ​how ​we ​can ​help, ​please ​book ​a ​slot ​on ​my ​calendly ​and ​the ​details ​are, ​uh, ​on ​the ​show ​notes. ​We ​are ​so ​glad ​that ​you've ​joined ​us. ​We ​have ​more ​special ​guests ​who ​will ​be ​sharing ​more ​leadership ​tips ​and ​strategies ​on ​this ​show ​in ​this ​month ​of ​February, ​in ​addition ​to ​our ​first ​couple ​interview, ​who ​will ​be ​discussing ​the ​role ​that ​communication ​has ​played ​in ​their ​marriage. ​So ​stay ​tuned ​for ​more ​episodes ​to ​come. ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​•

Why Affirmations Don't Work w/ Janet Elaine Schmidt
Broadcast by