How to Communicate With Yourself w/ Kristine Ovsepian

People don't realize that 90 probably percent, if not more, of our really response in the world is our inner child responding to life.

Welcome back to the Speaking and Communicating Podcast.

I am your host, Roberta Ndlela.

If you are looking to improve your communication skills, both professionally and personally, this is the podcast you should be tuning into.

Communication and soft skills are crucial for your career growth and leadership development.

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Now let's get communicating.

Now let's get communicating with Kristine.

Please help me pronounce your last name.

I don't want to butcher it.

No worries, my love, Ovsepian.

So I do pronounce the V.

Ah, Ovsepian.

Welcome to the show.

Thank you.

Kristine Ovsepian.

Thank you for having me.

All the way from LA, right?

Yeah, all the way from LA.

Thank you for having me, Roberta.

Grateful to be here.

Thank you for being here.

You have such wonderful, positive energy.

I'm feeding off of it right away.

It's so good to have you here.

We're feeding off of each other.

It's a two-way street, always.

And that's how communication is.

So please tell us a little bit about yourself.

Oh, goodness.

Where do I begin?

So I wasn't born in the States.

I moved to the States from Armenia when I was 12 years old with my family for, of course, a better life, freedom of not only religion, but just overall life.

And from 12 years old on, being in the culture that I'm in, you're always kind of forced to go a certain path, take on the responsibilities to fit in life and do the things the right way.

And I ended up in accounting for about 10 years and hit rock bottom by the 10th year and really just started to pray.

I mean, honestly, when we talk about communication, it's not just even communication in the physical realm, it's communication with the metaphysical realm as well.

And I just honestly turned to prayer because to me, communication goes in every direction, in every way in our lives.

And that prayer really turned into a very vivid dream that I had, that I looked at myself and I saw myself as I was wearing a white coat.

I knew I was helping healing people, but I knew I was not a doctor.

It was just so vivid, but yet so vague at the same time.

And at that time, I was just really still forcing accounting.

And it was 2009.

So after the market crash, of course, I was one of the first to be laid off because I was paid in the department.

And things were just financially not looking great for organizations.

So at that time, I was still setting for the CPA thinking, well, if I have my CPA, they'll respect me more and all of that crap, right?

Thinking to fit in still safe job, good money and all that stuff.

And I just knew, like I remember the last, like at least I want to say six months to a year in that career, I would just get in my car, I would drop off my kids at daycare, get in my car while I'm driving to work.

I would just like cry in the car and just say, God, I just want to love what I do.

I want to help people.

I want to be of service.

I want to be my free to make my own hours, my own time, be my my own kind of person, instead of being told what to do, when to do it, how to do it.

And I started looking up at the school, and I found out this was a school that had been around 40 plus years.

It was a credited school, and it was close to my home, which I never knew growing up, you know, 20 some years at that time in LA.

I didn't even know that school existed.

It was just like chain reaction.

And by the second month, I started hypnotherapy school, went to get my master's in psychology at the same time.

And basically, after that, I just started building my practice and, of course, communication.

The show is so perfect for what I'm saying.

Communication is key when it comes to explaining to my clients, even what I do, how I do it, like explaining on the phone.

It's such a key factor of people understanding, what am I investing my time and energy into, right?

So communication is always at the core of every relationship we ever have.

From business, to personal, to children, to family, to anything.

Even communicating with plants.

I always like, I talk to my plants.

To be honest with you, people might think, oh my God, who is this woohoo person?

I have a friend who does that, yeah.

Yes, because plants are alive and they hear us.

In fact, there's a study that showed that they connected these machines to this person who had plants in the house, and he left the house, and half an hour later, he got into some sort of accident, and the plants in the house got shaken up.

Like they saw the vibration of the plants get shaken up because we're so connected.

Nature is all about communication and connection.

So everything that we can go as deep as we want into this, from the universe to heaven, to earth, to back and forth, it's all about connection and communication.

When we think of mushrooms, fungi, and nature, it's all about communication and the connection that everything is communicating, getting connected with one another.

And so us too, sometimes when you think of a friend, right?

We're even telepathically communicating with one another.

At the end of the day, it's always, always, always, everything is about communication.

So my communication with the divine, God, essence, a universe, however we call it, to me, it's the same, the higher self turned into my life changing, transforming.

And 14 years later, here I am, talking to you about it, and loving every minute of it.

Every person that comes my way, that trusts me to guide them on their healing journey, is just, to me, such an honor, such a beautiful, beautiful process, and such a beautiful journey.

Again, communication, communicating consciously, communicating subconsciously, because hypnosis is all about communication, about clarity.

When I give my clients suggestions, it's about clear communication with the subconscious.

Otherwise, you can't achieve your goals.

From what you're saying, it starts with you communicating with your inner self.

You're questioning, do I want to go to this job?

Oh, no, this job, I don't want to go here, it makes me cry.

A lot of us sometimes struggle with having those inner conversations with ourselves.

100%, 100%, because we're not taught to listen to ourselves.

We're in fact constantly communicating with the world around us is the best of our ability.

But why is the world in such a deep, heavy space now even?

Because everybody lacks in good communication.


Because every person, on average, probably, I want to say easy, 95% of the population in the world does not know how to communicate with themselves.

We don't communicate with our body.

We don't communicate with ourselves.

We don't listen to our inner voice.

We're constantly, just constantly told, follow your logic, because your logic is your reality.

But it's an illusion.

That's an illusion.

And the moment we realize that communication starts from within, when we communicate with ourselves, I mean, I'm communicating with myself every single day.

When I feel a certain thing, when I feel at peace, I communicate with myself, and I say, I'm so very grateful for the peace that I'm feeling now mentally, emotionally, spiritually, physically.

When I feel uneasy inside, I quickly go in there, and I go, okay, what is this?

What is this about?

What are you trying to tell me?

What are you trying to warn me?

Whatever it is, it's about communication.

And it's such a simple thing.

But as beings, we're born to really communicate.

As we look at children when they're little, the first two years of our lives, we're in total.

This is now scientifically proven.

This is not just spirituality speaking.

We're totally connected to the divine universe.

We're not even physically really communicating on this level.

It's just babies are so much about like, oh, I want to eat.

I'm going to cry.

If something hurts, I'm going to cry.

It's kind of like those basic needs that we communicate here.

But much of a baby's communication is very much spiritual, the first at least two years of their lives.

And then they start to learn to communicate here, which is when we start walking and talking and all that stuff, communication becomes physical.

So the first few years, our communication is very metaphysical.

Right, right.

You say that hypnotherapy, you communicate with your subconscious mind.

Now, science has proven that what we do, the subconscious mind is like the boss.

We think it's the logic, but it's more the stuff that's recorded in the subconscious mind that we live on autopilot, and it just keeps rewinding itself.

Would you care to explain that to us in more detail?

Yes, 100%.

So the first from conception to the seven years around that time, communication comes from us absorbing basically all the information from the womb on to seven years old, and all that information that comes to us, if it's about love, if it's about peace, a child can be resilient and grow up to succeed.

And if it's about arguments, if it's about pain and suffering and struggle, and a child absorbs that information, and then as we grow older, we become teenagers, young adults, adult life, and then we get older, if there's healing that needs to be done in that space, people don't realize that 90% probably, if not more, of our really response in the world is our inner child responding to life.

So anytime we get triggered, anytime we get angry, when we're little, we can get angry, we could bite somebody, we could cry.

As adults, we know we cannot bite anybody.

So what do we do?

We turn to anger, or we shut down, or we run away, and our fight and flight kicks in.

So this is the moment where you realize that whatever programming there is in your subconscious, any and every experience that happens.

So right now, you and I even being on this call, right?

We feel so comfortable with one another.

You feel comfortable doing what you're doing.

I feel comfortable doing what I'm doing.


Because our subconscious has this big plus in there, positive association to this experience.

But my dear, let me tell you, 14 up until 14 years ago, you couldn't catch me doing what I'm doing now.

Anybody that wanted to talk to me, my subconscious changed.

I healed it because before I could not ever be in front of people, to be put on a spot, to be asked questions, to express myself, I would flush, get red and pink, and every color in the rainbow, which is, I don't even know how to explain.

Like, I wouldn't stutter, but I would just freeze.

I would just freeze, and I couldn't.

You asked me a question, I would just be like, I don't know what to say to that.

All because of fear.

All because of fear.

And because I grew up with a lot of fear in my background, of you can't express yourself, you can't talk, you can't zip it.

It's yours to be seen and not heard.

All that stuff equated to me not being able to communicate, which is the key, right?

And then this beautiful world opened up for me.

And I could only help my clients by just communicating.

So I realized that when we're on our mission and our purpose and our path, we just find our inner resilience and we charge ahead.

So I went from getting freezing, not being able to talk, to now talking to my clients every day.

And I have so much to share, or I come on these calls and these podcasts, and I have so much to talk about, so much to share.

I'm just like, I'm right here.

But I was the person that couldn't say a single word if you met me 14 years ago, if you put me in this position.

So that's what it comes down to.

That's the power of the subconscious mind.

While it has the negatives and the positives and the negatives and the positives and associations to experiences, you also have the power to go in there, which is why hypnosis works so well with my clients who, and again, being in Burbank and LA, I have a lot of clients who come from Hollywood, a lot of different levels.

I have writers who need to do pitches for their stories.

I have, you know, executives.

I have this, I have that.

I have artists.

I have actors that, while they're on camera, we think they do so great.

I have actor clients that are on camera every single day, and we see them on TV, and we're like, Oh, my God, they're so great, but they're terrified inside.

And so getting that part out of the way so that they can shine more brightly, so that they can communicate effectively and not feel like they're being torn apart inside, but they're just putting on the show.

It's about the inside out, literally matching one another instead of just us putting a mask on to pretend to be something or someone that we're not.

So that's basically what it's about.

And the subconscious, it takes milliseconds for us to literally jump in there into the subconscious and say, What association do I have to this experience, to this communication, to this and to that?


And then your subconscious says, I'm comfortable with this.

But 14 years ago, my subconscious was saying, I'm very uncomfortable with this.

So I'm just going to freeze.

But now my subconscious is saying, Let's go.

Let's do this.

Let's share.

Because even if one person listens and finds their way to communicate, to express themselves, to heal themselves, to heal their subconscious, I've done my job.

That's how I look at it now.

And I'm like, I'm going to share as much as I can.

Yes, please certainly do.

What did you do to change that 14 years ago?

And did you do hypnotherapy?

Yes, 100 percent.

So somebody else practiced the modality on you in order to from freezing to now you're confident and you can.

So I'll tell you this.

While I went to hypnotherapy in the beginning, I didn't go per se for this.

I went to hypnotherapy because I needed to get my life together because I wasn't in such a good shape.

I wasn't in such a place of emotionally, I was getting myself.

You know how they say psychosomatic symptoms?

Like it's your mind gets you sick.

That was me.

I was getting myself sick because I hated being in accounting.

And so I was getting myself sick to a point where I literally manifested subconsciously an actual physical nerve damage in my right arm.

I couldn't even hold a single pen to write.

Because I was using the 10 key in accounting so much, my subconscious said, I'm going to create something here so that I can do this.

If I can't do my job, I can't go to work.


And so that's how powerful we are.

Our subconscious is 88% of our mind power.

Yes, the 12% the conscious is just a follower.

The subconscious sends that information and the conscious just follows.

The subconscious sends the information and the consciousness just follows.

And so I was absolutely in the beginning.

I went to like literally just to set myself free, to take my power back, to realize who I am, to remember what I'm supposed to do.

And so I went for that reason.

And then it literally got me out of my depression, out of my anxiety, out of my panic.

And I was like, oh, my God.

And then the first day that I entered my school, it was just like, oh, my God, I'm home.

It was to a point where my kids were one years old, three years old at the time.

And my classmates were making fun of me.

They were like, oh, my God, you should just bring a mattress and sleep here.

I was so dedicated.

I had finally found my calling.

And everything that I was being taught there, although the traditional hypnotherapy part was very traditional, very organized, but there were many other classes like passive regression therapy, like neurolinguistic programming.

I mean, so many certifications I've done over the years.

It was calling me.

It was pulling on to me.

And it just felt like home.

It felt like home.

And that was the moment where I realized.

But the funny thing is that out of the 300 classmates that I graduated with, a handful of us are practicing full time.

The majority of the others practice if they graduated.

People think you have to physically be present for this communication, connection and healing to happen.

Absolutely not.

Like just now, before we even got on the call, I was with a client and she's in Texas.

But after the hypnosis, she got up and she was like, how is it that beginning of the session while we were talking, I felt like I'm being choked and my gut is twisting and turning.

And now suddenly I feel like, oh my God, I feel like a feather.

I'm so light.

I'm so free.

That's how powerful it is.

And it's communication.

The key word.

I love your show title and message of your show.

And of course, my love, because all these years I've done many podcasts, but I feel like this one is just on such a different level because all these years, I've never even gotten like dove deep into that.

It's all about communication.

How you communicate to the subconscious is how you make the changes because you need to know how to get the gatekeeper out of the way because our ego is always like wanting to protect, like, don't come close.

The gates are closed.

And then to get that gatekeeper out of the way, to tap into the subconscious and do the healing work, it's communication.

Because if you don't know how to communicate with the subconscious, there is no access.

You live on autopilot, yeah.


Everybody's living on autopilot.

Everyone, because everyone is basically asleep.

In case any listeners are wondering, does it take one hypnotherapy session to see the difference, or do you need to go back for more until you realize, wait, I felt like I would choke before, but now I'm confident.

How long does it take?

So it's a perfect question, and I'm so grateful that you asked.

So I'll tell you this.

Every hypnotherapy session carries its own energy, its own power, its own healing, because every hypnotherapy session with my clients, it's like we're creating more and more and building on it, building on it, building on it.

So on average, because studies show this as well, and because in the past 14 years, this is the pattern that I've seen between four to six sessions, my clients can move mountains.

Now, there's other layers to that.

Are we just focused on healing our past?

Because between four to six sessions, you can clear your past, leave the baggage behind, and move forward.

Do I have, because I have artist clients in my practice, that I continuously see them.


Because their life is very hectic, their life is very pressure based.

One of my artist clients, she was here on last Friday, and we literally in our session, she started writing lyrics to a new song.

And it just came to her.

It just came to her, because we open the channels, we clear the clutter.

It's kind of like you take away that static, and then you start kind of becoming a channel, because to me, again, communication, I love how we come back to the communication, and communication comes from...

Yes, it always comes down to it.

It's about the channeling, channeling the wisdom, channeling the information, writers channel information from the universe, musicians channel information from the universe.

Some of the greatest songs come from people, like writers and artists, communicating and really channeling the wisdom and information and writing the lyrics down, and they become songs, they become stories, they become movies.

It's kind of like bringing the energy and communicating it and turning it into material, bringing it into the material realm.

To the physical, yes.

Exactly, yes.

Let's go back to the inner child.

I remember somebody saying when you address your inner child, is that where you talk to your subconscious?

It's almost like you're talking to the little Roberta inside who was three and cried because of this.

When you do that exercise where you try to connect with your inner child, is it similar to trying to connect with your subconscious mind or is it different?


So you're accessing your inner child through your subconscious memories and stories.

And I do inner child work with clients all the time.

And it's such a profound experience.

Ninety nine percent of the times my clients sob in the session.

It's such a powerful, empowering, get healing process because every single one of us thought, Oh, the child's self forget the child's self.

I'm a grown up now.

Yeah, exactly.

But we are so wrong because anytime somebody hurts you, anytime somebody says something, does something, it can be a work situation, business situation, a boss saying something negative to us.

And we immediately revert to that child self.


Because then your little girl self or little boy self remembers that, Oh, I remember when I was four years old, my dad or mom said this to me.

And now your boss is saying something mean to you.

And your little girl self doesn't even recognize this is adult life.

This is a boss.

She's feeling what she felt when she was that little girl being yelled at or screamed at or hit by their mom or dad.

Does that make sense?

And that's why people become so defensive and shut off.

And especially in the corporate world, so many of my clients from the corporate world, they are just left and right, feeling like they're being attacked.

And I always say, okay, you know why?

Because the universe is going to keep kind of slapping you from left to right.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

100% until you face, you acknowledge, and you heal.

Otherwise, it's going to keep showing up.

Anything that repeats in my clients' lives, I just help them see it, the timeline of their life.

What does your external world look like?

It's communication.

Your life is communicating back to you.

So if your external world looks beautiful, then your inner world is beautiful, because your inner world is communicating with your external world and channeling each other.

And so if your inner world is really dark, heavy and sad, and your external world is chaos, it's just, again, communication.

Your inner world cannot be peace and love and wisdom and flow, and your external world to be crazy.

It cannot be.

It cannot be.

It's a reflection of what's going on inside.

It's a mirror.


It's a mirror.


It's communication.

Is this also the reason we now live in an age where not only do we get triggered and hurt, but we also have become less and less skilled at managing conflict?

We are always butting heads, even for the littlest things.

What happened and why are we finding ourselves in this dilemma as a society?


Because number one, every single person is at war with themselves first.

That's why we're at war with the world around us, because if a person is at peace within, why would they have to fight anyone or anything?

Think about it.

War will end when people end the war within themselves.

That's all it is.

It's really a bottom line is that communication that is happening internally.

I always tell my clients, no matter what you're coming to me, whether it's panic attacks, whether it's fear, whether it's, I don't know, blockages, whether it's burnout, success, whatever, anxiety, depression, it doesn't matter.

Bottom line to the root of that is where is your self-love, self-care, self-acceptance, your worth.

And if it's literally hitting the ground, what do you think your life is going to show up as?

It's not going to show up as love.

It's going to show up as slaps and punches from every corner until you heal that.

And I live that life, so I know what that's like.

Do I have 100% peace and love?

No, I'm going to say safely, I'm going to say 95% to 99%.

There's still that 1% that seldomly will show up.

Mine shows up in this way, especially with this eclipse.

It's so interesting how a lot of people's emotions are triggered.

And this is how it shows up now.

It shows up as, oh my God, the world needs so much love and support and help.

Am I doing enough?

Am I doing it fast enough?

Am I reaching enough people?

That's where I'm at now.

That's where, and then I'm like, I'm doing the best that I can, one person at a time.

It's kind of like, I've been reminding myself for the past two weeks, it just feels like there's this energy brewing inside of me, like something bigger, better needs to be happening, because as a world, we're struggling.

We're really, really humanity struggling.

And more so, I tell my clients, end the war within yourself when you love yourself, when you accept yourself.

Dalai Lama talks about this all the time.

He says, if every child is left to love and accept themselves and not change, right?

Because think about it, when we are born, when we are like the first two years of our lives, we are bundles of joy and love.

Everybody holds us, everybody is happy.

And then suddenly, don't do that.

Oh, the terrible twos, right?

You know what I say to the terrible twos?

And I didn't realize this until this is like my own intuitive wisdom that I'm going to share.

The terrible twos are when children recognize, Oh my God, I'm not metaphysical anymore.

I'm actually physical.

Run, I can fall and hurt myself suddenly.

I can get in trouble.

People are yelling at me because it's less likely.

That is the beginning of all those factors coming into play.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

And then we start reacting because we're responding with, Oh my God, what just happened?

Everybody was embracing me.

And suddenly I'm on my own and everybody's coming at me.

Stop dreaming.

Stop dreaming, teachers tell you, stop writing, start writing.

You didn't write, you're ain't right.

And oh my God, I'm just three years old.

Can you just give me a break?

Can I just live, please?


Can I just be a child?

Can I just enjoy myself?

Yeah, we think, oh, the sooner we start, the smarter our kids will be.

Oh my God, kids are sponges.

They will learn.

Just let them be.

Let them be kids.

We give ourselves such little time to enjoy this planet.

What, two years of our lives and the rest is work?

And then it's over.

Oh my God.


Can we have a break?

We certainly need it.

When speaking of intuition, how is that connected to the subconscious mind?

Because intuition is also us listening to our gut, our whatever the inner voice is telling us.

What's the relationship there?

The relationship, I would say, the inner voice is always the voice of truth and love, which our subconscious holds both information, truth, love, and lies and manipulation and chatter and ego bullshit.

Sorry, not I'm going to say it that way.

But it is the illusion.

It's the illusion of the world telling us, people telling us what is not right, who we are not, who we shouldn't be, just literally controlling every aspect of it.

So your subconscious holds both information.

The way I intuitively look at it, is there science behind that?

Maybe, I don't know, whatever.

I look at it as your subconscious holds that wisdom as well, just as this, I wouldn't even call this wisdom, but I'll say this, the ego information and then divine wisdom.

And so your intuition is always kind of tapping into that wisdom, right?

And then as I would give an example, when a lot of times my clients go, oh, I got these two positions in front of me.

One is going to be everything that I love to do, but it pays less.

The other one is everything that I think I'll enjoy, I'll do, it pays a lot.

This is ego decision.

This is higher self decision.

So I tell my clients, what is your decision?

I will never tell you what to decide, but here's how it is.

Your ego is going to tell you more money, more money, more money, but you're going to get that job, and you're going to be miserable and probably quit or get sick.

So money stops, right?

The flow stops.

But then your higher self has this positive information, and it's literally your intuition.

Your higher self is saying, take this.

It will be a risk, but it will be rewarding.

So you can take this and love what you're doing, and six months from now, you can make double the money because you can get a promotion.

You take this, you get stuck, and you end up quitting or getting sick.

I hear you.

But at first, before, if you take the lesser money option, at first, what is being offered at that moment, you're thinking, I have a mortgage, I have kids to feed, daycare is expensive.

I need the money one.

I can tough it out.

I'm a grown up.

You know what I mean?


And then three months later, you get sick and you can't do your job.

So there's no money flowing in.

You're gonna go on medical leave, whatever.


But this one, I always tell my clients, intuition, your higher self will always guide you to love and freedom.

It's risk taking.

It's taking that leap of faith and jumping.


I will give you a perfect example.

I won't tell you the whole story because it's too long.

The last year, for nine months, I was planning to move to the UK with my children.

Okay, I'll give you the short version of that.

Last minute, I found out my visa did not go through.

Last minute, I found out while I'm in an Airbnb with my children for a month, and then we're moving because I sold a condo and I finalized everything in the States.

I cut every cord in the States and I'm going to UK.

Only to find out I'm not going anywhere.

For six years, I was looking to find a house in LA because it's not easy to find affordable homes in LA, as you know, the prices are just crazy, right?

In two weeks, my intuition said, just make the decision and take a leap of faith and take this risk and jump.

And I went in two weeks, finding a beautiful home that literally 35 years, I'm in the States.

It's the first time in my life, one year now, that I feel at home every day.

I love my home.

Found a home, magically, miraculously, the loan worked out.

Magically, miraculously, I had enough down payment.

Magically, miraculously, I always used to say, because I don't know if you're familiar with Burbank.

Burbank is one of the expensive cities in LA.

Let me tell you, I was like, I will never live in Burbank.

Now I live in Burbank.

Hello, universe.

Hello, universe.

And all of that was me trusting, taking a risk, and taking leap of faith and jumping, and following my intuition, because my safety, my security, my ego was telling me, go for a less place, a smaller space, and, oh, there's a little shack in the back you can rent out.

But I was never going to feel at home.

Now thinking about that home, I get my gut twists.

Does that make sense?

That's the inner wisdom.

Yes, communicating with you.

Trusting the universe, trusting your intuition, trusting.

To me, our intuition is one with the universe.

There's no separation, and the universe is literally our ally.

The universe is rooting for us, for us to live life to the fullest and enjoy it and celebrate it, like we did the first two years of our lives.

And here we are, all our lives, we're like, oh, no, safe is good.

Let's be logical about this.

When my clients say, oh, well, I'm being realistic and logical, I'm like, so how is your life looking?

That's how we've been raised, Kristine, come on.

This is why we're doing the show today.


We open to new information.


And I was raised in the same way.

Trust me, I'm an immigrant in this country.

I'm still building myself up.

I'm still growing.

My children will have a better, better, better future.

But I'm still trying to navigate in this foreign country in a sense.

Yes, I'm a US citizen, but I wasn't born here.

So every day, I remind myself of no matter what I was raised with, no matter what my background was, no matter how I, you know, where I live, what I'm doing.

It's about really living in that communication internal with the universe to be, I trust, I surrender.

Like, I'm literally, I always tell my kids, I'm like, every day I live in prayer.

Every day I go, universe, you put us in this home.

Now, take care of it.

And actually, exactly, exactly.

I took the leap of faith.

I jumped.

Now, my faith is strong.

I'm just going to believe that every month, my kids and I are taking care of every month.

Everything we need is abundantly taking care of that same intuition.

Because my ego, oh, sweetheart, I find that my ego and she has a lot of fearful things to say.

One, how, how is it going to be?

Are you going to make enough money?

Are you going to make enough money?

And we start doing the math in our heads, and we talk ourselves out of it, and we make the inner voice.

Like, you shut up because you're not realistic.

Can you just please give me a moment to do my math and see if these numbers add up?

Yes, so I'm going to give you this information.

Maybe this can help the listeners.

I always say ego says, if I see it, I'll believe it.

Spirit says, believe it, and you'll see it.

You see the difference?

That's faith.


That's how it manifests physically.


So manifestation is literally that.

Because so many people say, well, if when I save up this much money, I'll go and have that vacation.

I say put it on a credit card and trust that it will get paid.

I know people might think that's so irresponsible of you.

But where is the faith then?

Where is the trust then?

Where is that intuition and that divine connection?

This is how we need to start living our lives, not like this, because we've done this this way.

Humanity, this is the biggest problem.

This is why we're all in trouble, because we try to do it this way, the human way, the realistic, the logical way.

Where has it gotten us?

Look at our world.

It's a hot mess.

That's why I say live this way.


Communication with the divine.

I even have clients who are atheists.

Atheists might listen to this and be like, what the hell is she talking about?

This doesn't mean we tell people what to believe, but whatever you communicate with, with your internal voice, your intuition, your subconscious mind, whatever it is, it's exactly.


It will always guide you to love.

And sometimes my clients say, well, how do I know when it's my ego and when it's my higher self, when it's my intuition?

I'm like, well, let me tell you this.

Your higher self will never threaten you, will never create fear in you.

It will always guide you to love with love through love.

The ego, on the other hand, always says, be afraid, be careful.

There's danger around the corner.

Be small.

Don't shine.

Dim your light.

Go hide.

Is that how we choose to live our lives?

I know I don't.

Kristine, you've written two books, Wisdom Unbounded and Living Through Choice.

Would you like to give us a brief summary of both?

Oh, such beautiful covers.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Very meaningful colors.

So Living Through Choice was the first book that I wrote, which I never thought I would ever write a book.

So I was like, who am I?

What am I going to talk about?

The foundation of this book is not only my own freedom of my own fears, because it literally just says transform fears to love at the bottom, but it was also my commitment to spreading, even if 10 people in the world read it and their life changes with this book.

I know I've done my work, and I've seen such incredible stories from my clients.

One of my clients in particular, I want to really share this story.

Her daughter had a lot of emotional stuff, and she was very close to ending her life.

I don't want to say my book, but I'm just going to say whatever information that was in here saved her life.

Because she ended up admitting herself to a mental hospital, and she read this book.

And when she came out, she said, Mom, if I didn't have that book, I wouldn't be able to go through.

It gave her hope.

And that was the key to this book.

Really, my intention to write this first book was to let humanity, anybody, everybody that is open to be on the traditional way of doing things, to know that there's tools out there, that there are ways that you can free yourself from your past.

You can free yourself from the agony.

You can free yourself from your mental, emotional torture, trauma, whatever it is.

You can free yourself.

And there are different modalities that help you do that, which I talk about passive regression therapy and all the emotional stuff that we can feel, anger, resentment, depression, addictions, unforgiveness.

That was the intention for the first book.

Now, the intention for the second book was to remind us that everything we need is within us, everything.

We don't need to look outside ourselves.

We just need to have the right tools, which the tools are in the books as well.

We just need to have the right tools to know that literally this wisdom, unbounded wisdom, unlimited wisdom, is within us all.

And the subtitle of this one is A Guide to Alignment, Freedom and Peace.

And I ended my book with words that I want to really share with you because I think it's just empowering.

On the last page, and this came to me while I was channeling.

It's basically about celebrating our life and knowing that every day of our life is so precious and every day is so special.

And every day, how we intend to live it, life is happening for us, not to us.

Life is happening through us.

Some of the words that I wanted to share is, I said, live fully, be playful, graceful and free.

And I live by those words every single day.

I even one of my clients, right?

I'm pointing to my left.

I have this tote bag that one of my clients printed from me, and he literally put those words on it, playful, graceful and free.

Because I feel like really this journey on this planet is all about that is about us being playful, graceful and free and not restricted and not limited and not traumatized and not in pain and not in pain.

Not in suffering, thinking this is life, because that's hell on earth.

Let's live heaven on earth.

And that's what I wanted to share.


Let's live heaven on earth.

Yes, Kristine.

One last thing.

Is there anything that listeners can do on a daily basis to start learning to communicate more with the inner selves and with the support?

Meditate, meditate, meditate.

I also have a free meditation, a stress-releasing, because I know with our planet going through everything that it's going through right now, many, many, many people are stressed.

They're anxious.

So I have a free stress-releasing meditation on my website.

If they go on my website, www.journeys, J-O-U-R-N-E-Y-S-T-O-H-E-A-L,, which is

And they can sign up for the newsletter, and once they sign up for the newsletter, they will automatically get the email with meditation that can help them relieve the tension and the stress and all that craziness that's happening in our world, which I feel like our meeting today was so divine intervention.

And I know it might take a minute for you to post this, but either way, I know when it's going to reach people, and I'm grateful to be a part of it, because like I said, if you and I can come together in this spiritual, I want to say prayer, because to me, this is a prayer.

We're praying for love, right?

We're talking about love.

We're talking about communicating to the universe that we're asking for love.

Please help us.

Yes, we certainly need it.

Even if one person, it changes their life.

You and I have done our work.


Words of wisdom from Kristine Ovsepian, the hypnotherapist and many other modalities that she practices to help her clients.

The author of Wisdom Unbounded and Living Through Choice all the way from LA.

Thank you so much for being here today, for sharing your love, and we certainly felt it.

Thank you so much.

My love for having me.

My absolute pleasure.

Can you give us your website again?




I will certainly put that on the show notes.

Thank you, Kristine.

This has been amazing.

Thank you, Roberta.

Thank you so much, my love.

My absolute pleasure.

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How to Communicate With Yourself w/ Kristine Ovsepian
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