Communication and Soft Skills in Tech w/ Sardor Akhmedov

What communication challenges are faced by tech companies?

Meet Sardor Akhmedov!

Sardor is a serial Tech Entrepreneur, IT Consultant and Public Speaker. He is also a Co-owner of and Angel Investor. He has experience in outsource IT development, remote work automation, chatbots, and AI voice technology. 

Sardor is the youngest member of the Forbes Business Council and the youngest speaker to ever perform on Synergy Global - the biggest business forum in the world. In addition to all these impressive credentials, he is also a Real Estate investor, minimalist and a family man.

Listen as Sardor emphasizes why they look for soft skills in addition to the technical expertise, when hiring candidates for their team and why communication skills are so crucial in the tech industry.

Key Points:
- Sardor's entrepreneurial journey
- the difference between working on vs in your business
- the benefits of delegating effectively
- what companies look for when hiring canddiates
- why tech companies cannot thrive without systems
- the constant need for improving communication skills
- why no sales team can perform without soft skills

...and so much more!

📋 Episode Chapters

(00:00) Communication and soft skills are crucial for career growth and leadership development
(00:42) Sardo Ahmedov is the chief revenue officer for Jeffton
(01:21) The outside is too hot, inside is too cold in Florida
(01:54) So please give us a little bit of your background. Sure. So I'm a tech entrepreneur, I'm 25
(04:21) So in Uzbekistan, do you speak English? You didn't have language barriers
(07:13) You've always identified yourself as an entrepreneur, including running a business
(09:37) You were the youngest member of the Forbes business council at 22
(10:56) The CRO chief revenue officer is responsible for growing the company's revenue
(15:49) There are pros and cons to both door to door and outbound sales
(17:07) You spoke at synergy global, one of the biggest stages for public speaking
(19:39) Working on your personal brand is extremely important because it creates trust
(24:42) There's a difference between being an entrepreneur working in your business or an employee
(27:30) When your clients come to you and say, please develop an app for us
(29:10) Communication is super important when you do tech work, right
(33:43) Any last words for a tech company that struggles with communication skills or communication
(35:58) The speaking and communicating podcast is part of B podcast Network

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Communication and Soft Skills in Tech w/ Sardor Akhmedov
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