The 5 Love Languages Explained w/ Paul Zolman

How do we demonstrate Love, - All day, Every day!

We all want to be loved, but have you ever considered the way you love others can actually transform YOUR life? The Role of Love is a resource you need to help you in your relationships and life.

Meet Paul Zolman!

Paul Zolman shares his honest journey of overcoming an abusive childhood and how he found love to be the light that illuminated the path. Love plays a vital role in the quality of life. Join Paul on this journey and discover

- How learning to GIVE love away can sharpen your skills to recognize love when it comes your way.

- Why the focus on loving the good in everyone can transform your outlook on humanity.

- What the law of the harvest has in store for your as it relates to love. What you send out (seeds you plant) will come back to you in abundance without compulsory means. (harvest)

Whether you struggle with how to give or receive love, this book will guide you through the roles to understand love better and how to insert this into your life as a major paradigm shift.

Key Points:
- why you misunderstood the 5 Love Languages
- how to truly practice the 5 Love Languages
- how the 5 Love Languages is changing classrooms for the better
- how the 5 Love Languages is healing relationships
- how to be a Love Starter
- how to change transactional relationships with others

...and so much more!

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Additional Resources:
"The Role of Love" by Paul Zolman on Website and Amazon

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The 5 Love Languages Explained w/ Paul Zolman
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