How to Create the Best Workplace w/ Dr. Orin Davis

What makes a company a great place to work? How do you create that type of company culture?

Meet Orin Davis!

Dr. Orin Davis is a Computational Neuroscientist-turned Human Resources Consultant. He is a Self-Actualization Engineer at Quality of Life Lab and makes workplaces best places to work and people to do and be their best. He is the first person to graduate with a Ph.D. in Positive Psychology.

Orin's research is on flow, creativity, hypnosis, and mentoring. In addition to being the principal investigator of the Quality of Life Laboratory and the Chief Science Officer of Self Spark, he is a startup advisor who helps early-stage companies enhance their value propositions, pitches, culture, and human capital. Davis also serves as a science advisor at Happify and Happy Brain Science and is an adjunct professor of business, psychology, entrepreneurship, and creativity. He writes and speaks avidly about human capital, creativity and innovation, and positive psychology.

Key Points:
- why we innately want to contribute
- changing mindsets vs changing the environment
- the different ways in which we are motivated to work
- does the leader speak first or last?
- how thought leadership gathers and spreads ideas
- the meaning of ‘quality of life’
- hiring criteria vs performance management criteria
- why lead from the core values
- what is the ‘wizard track’ in talent management?

…and so much more!

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How to Create the Best Workplace w/ Dr. Orin Davis
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